September 16, 2001

The Virgo moon and sun are in perfect agreement. This means you can’t lose, as long as you’re working on or thinking about self-improvement. Ambitious and determined individuals have the wings to fly to their dreams. Mull over plans and revise them today. Research, make phone calls, meditate and write. Believe that all things are possible.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Stay optimistic, because inspiration and creativity lead to success when you raise your standards just a bit. Beware of trivializing your own problems. Anything that bothers you today is important enough to address. Seek smart advice.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. Actions that are wrought with common sense are proclaimed brilliant. A minor change in your attitude attracts a new love interest. Discounts and bargains are available at your local mall. Insist that others keep their word.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. Offer support to a loved one who is being pulled in different directions. Your moral backbone is an anchor to others. Studying is lucky tonight, and researching a topic that piques your interest is even luckier. Don’t dwell on the past.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Pulling back from a relationship only alienates someone you care deeply about. Make sure you are taking good care of your friends, because they will support you in unexpected ways. Consider moving or traveling to a new place.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Artists are extremely disciplined now. Your business associates decide to increase interest rates, which means more money for you. You have luck with being neighborly, playing games and taking vacations. Indulge yourself.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (September 16)
. Being grateful is the gateway to abundance. You discover wealth through many different ways this year. Romance with a new love interest will heat up as you travel in November. Singles find love through work and religious events. A big time investment will finally pay off in February. Your marriage month is August. Your lucky love sign is Pisces. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 2, 19, 11 and 32.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Family unity plays a huge part in your happiness. Group activities are lucky tonight. Do not subdue your personality for another person. Refresh relationships by exposing the real you. Postpone making a financial decision.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. As love moves at full speed, you’ll be tempted to run off course. Hold on, the temptation will pass. Be painstakingly clear when communicating with relatives. Home security provides a child with plenty of self-confidence.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Try to overlook contradictory information, and see into the heart of the matter. Research is extremely important to a current project at work. Cultivate new relationships as a gift to yourself. You will form bonds that last for a lifetime.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
What once seemed risky becomes familiar and soothing. Stay alert to stealthy maneuvers in love or business. Checking equipment twice will help you avoid wasting time on technical problems. A distant pal is thinking about you.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Follow your instincts in a love relationship. A message is designed to arouse your curiosity. Good communication skills will be important, as you are confronted with many different challenges. Do whatever you want.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Returning phone calls can be very rewarding. Asking follow-up questions will lead you to the truth. Be as ambitious as you want, but make sure you don’t come off as domineering or dogmatic. Travel is profitable, romantic and fun.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Everyone around you is a know-it-all. Now may be the time to voice your opinions and leave behind those who cannot see beyond tomorrow. You are in the perfect position to help a friend who’s caught between a rock and hard place.

The last week of the Virgo sun brings high productivity and determination. Tomorrow’s new moon and Virgo sun conspire to remind us that paying attention to detail will make life easier. Monday afternoon, the moon slips into Libra, the sign of partnership. Encouragement from others makes a big difference in our performance. Team up. Problems in love become nonexistent as you come to understand them. On Wednesday evening, you might see romantic potential is a platonic relationship. On the same token, clients could fall in love with service providers, or neighbors could star flirting with another. Blame it on the Scorpio moon for taking feelings to a more passionate level. On Thursday night, another aspect has an even bigger impact on our love lives. Lady Venus dances her way into Virgo. If a relationship is not bringing out the best in you, you will come to the realization over the next few weeks. The opposite is also true, and many offers of commitment are in store for next month. Saturday, the fall equinox makes its way in, which has been celebrated for thousands of years as a magical annual marker.

Mysterious David Copperfield has defined Virgo’s known nature to perform death-defying tricks, such as standing in a hurricane of fire. But on a more thoughtful observation. Virgo has the appropriate astrological makeup for successfully pulling off dangerous stunts. Feats such as these entail a million details that must go perfect in order to ensure success. Copperfield is excellent at protecting his overall health.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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