May 13, 2001

Happy Mother’s Day! The Aquarian lunar influence contributes to helping us find the most unique and inventive gifts for our moms. Philanthropy is featured, too, as we take our generous impulses to a global level. We’ll make efforts to help mothers and children everywhere. It’s the last week of the Taurus solar rule, which continues to promise results for consistent action, however, small, in the direction of our goals. Stay focused during this time.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. A communication breakdown will help you discover what you need to hear. Don’t let anything stop you from exploring your own way of doing things. Your very effective methods will work in the evening. Clear up any misunderstandings.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. Sooner or later, everyone must do their fair share. You may have to remind someone a few times, but don’t get angry. A relationship has its limits, and you have your way of breaking through them. Don’t sign up for expensive art classes.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. Ironically, expanding your mind will also lead to worldly traps. Start dreaming of your fantasy vacation spot. You’re bound for that destination. Your relationship with a child will be shaky until you learn how to communicate with him or her.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Formal presentations and informal pitches will go very well, so don’t underestimate your ability to sell people on your plan. There are plenty of ways to arrive at the right answer, so view all the obstacles as opportunities.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Work and health problems wont last for too long, but you should see them as symptoms of changing conditions. Take a chance, and make a change in your appearance this week. You can adjust to a new schedule after a full night of rest.

. You won’t have to exert much energy within the next three weeks to get ahead in the game. Place a high price on your services in June, and others will pay what you ask for. An opportunity to travel will come your way in July. Singles will find love at reunions. Marriage is featured in October. A windfall will allow you to pay a debt. Your best love sign is Gemini. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 25, 41, 19 and 35.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. A twist of fate will amuse you, not disappoint you. Be careful who you tell secrets to, because feelings will get hurt if they spread. Unusual clues, dreams and idle questions are likely to lead you to a buried treasure. Dig it up!

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. Being the leader has its pluses, and you’re reaping the benefits now. Your unmarred reputation brings you good luck. You’ll acquire insightful knowledge through your religious beliefs. You may meet someone very inspiring tonight.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Only give what is needed today, and let the future take care of itself. You’ll feel like shaking things up as the day progresses. In fact, you can successfully overthrow a staunch tradition with one brilliant change in your approach.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Paradox of the day: Love demands plenty of freedom for each person to feel completely committed. Everyone wants to be where the fun is. A fellow fire sign, an Aries or Leo, can help you out with money, love or both.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Loved ones smile at your antics and pump your confidence, helping you prepare for a week full of high energy. Business plans will include short trips, and you’ll encounter romance along the way. You’ll attract who you want.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Fulfilling promises you made to your family members is important. You’ll get a chance to take control and prove you’re a winner. Be confident but cautious, and the trophy will be yours. A Taurus is a lucky love partner.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Realize there are no "bad guys." Dare to accept yourself, faults and all. Key introductions you make within the next three days will bring forth bigger deals and more money, so shake hands and say "hi." Be a genuine person.

The Aquarian moon smiles on Mother’s Day, promising a friendly, generous and highly unique tribute to the maternal influence in our lives. Monday, an opposition of Mercury and Pluto could stir up some authority issues. Who’s in charge isn’t quite as important as what is being perpetuated by the actions taken by those in charge. Stand on principle instead of arguing over power. The moon and sun will form stressed aspects to Uranus on Tuesday, and you’ll probably run into the person you don’t want to see. Life’s coincidences may seem unfair at the time, but it’ll be easy to see the good in Tuesday’s surprises. Also, Tuesday evening may bring a chance to get an old relationship going in a new direction (whether it be your relationship with a person, money or work). Clarify guidelines and make new policies. Wednesday through Saturday, the moon in the fourth quarter will continue through Pisces’ realm, giving a boost to our intuitive powers.

Nine Inch Nails singer Trent Reznor is a Taurus whose stage persona paints a picture quite different than that of his astrological chart. With plenty of stabilizing earth-sign influences, he’s much more grounded than his aggressive, wild and raw music suggests. The moon in Sagittarius signified a never-ending quest for new sounds, ideas and ways of expressing his feelings. Venus in Gemini says he’s "fun-loving," believe it or not. He will have huge success this year from composing a film score.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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