May 12, 2001

If you haven’t already bought a Mother’s Day present, do it today. Don’t wait. The Capricorn moon is a wonderful helper when it comes to choosing the most appropriate way to show love and respect. The afternoon is perfect for identifying life’s little snags and finding a way around them. The retrograde action of Neptune and Mars encourages self-motivation.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Love is as sweet as you are generous. Over the weekend, you may watch the rules of a relationship change. You can be the cause of the change if you really want to be. A concert sets the stage for a romantic proposal.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. Be the exception to the rule, because interesting new friends and peers are looking for someone who stands out as a leader. Second chances abound, so try again on a clean slate. Get all agreements in writing. Don’t take any chances.

GEMINI (May 21June 21)
. An unexpected phone call will alter your life. Your health will improve greatly. If you wish to lose a bad habit, or start a good one, begin today. The discrepancy between the things you want and the things you have becomes smaller.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
You have power in planning now, so get it on paper, and watch it come to fruition! A bright Leo or Libra will introduce you to a powerful social circle. You are a wonderful leader, but remember to let others take the lead sometimes, too.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Crazy situations will crop up. You may find plans have been changed or the message didn’t go through. Let children find their own way. Answer their questions, or give them advice only when they ask you. Weed out any bad influences.

. It’s a year when you cherished goals can be reached! Continue to build enterprises of your own this month. Put income-increasing plans into action immediately, and you’ll make extra money in August. True love settles you down in September. Mix business with pleasure in October. December will bring a big inheritance. Your best sign for passion is Leo. Your lucky numbers are: 60, 42, 6, 14 and 37.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Relationships that are gong through a dormant period will finally wake up. Be very sweet to your romantic partner or spouse, and the gesture will be returned with thrilling emotion. Help someone out of a bind this afternoon.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. If you extend your knowledge of history, you’ll gain insight to the present and the future. You’ll win in a small bets or games with friends. Contradict others if you believe they are wrong. A trip to see a ex-mate will rekindle old flames.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Someone you hardly know finds you stunning. Spend money to improve your surroundings, because you need a positive environment. A little weekend work is all it takes to get ahead. Your with will win love, but your honesty will keep it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
You’re gregarious! Introduce yourself to new neighbors, join social groups, and avoid relying on a current love to totally fill your social needs. Planning is essential for work and play. You’ll succeed in implementing a new diet.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. The stars may test those who are loyal to you, and also tell you who will make the best alliances. As a result, people will come out with renewed faith. Tell people what you want, they are wiling to change. A Leo loves you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Dress creatively to inspire yourself, and dare to try something new. Taking your cue from a Virgo will help you make good decisions and release old biases. You’ll receive financial gains through connections with in-laws, surprisingly.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You won’t resolve ethical questions easily, although you have no trouble distinguishing right from wrong. Many hindrances are imaginary, and you can overcome them with much ease. A Capricorn will helps you "keet it real."

"I’m a Pisces, and my best friend is a Virgo. We’ve been having power struggles, whether it’s doing laundry, gardening or buying a house. She always knows how to do everything better. Why is she likes this?"

With a powerful analytical mind and practical ability, Virgo is the master problem-solver. Natives of this sign love to improve the system, to educate the world, and to generally complete the project the best way it can be done. Sometimes, your girlfriend’s project is you! Not only will she compulsively pick the lint off your clothes, but she’ll tell you what to say, how and where to go for the best deal, the best service, the fastest, most efficient tailor or hairstylist and so on. In short, it’s very easy for them to spot the flaws. For this reason, Virgos has their share of troubles in life, for they seek to create a perfect world. This quest, however, leads to vast amounts of anxiety and worry. When a Virgo worries, there goes the appetite, and here comes the ulcers. What Virgo needs to learn is how to relax and trust that there is a purpose to life, a higher power guiding everything. Have faith! As a Pisces, you can teach your friend this concept, and then she will share with you the knowledge that you should in no way feel obligated to use, but you’d be wise to try!

Mark Wahlberg started his career at an early age, which isn’t uncommon for natives of his sign. Taurus natives are famous for having careers that stretch nearly from childhood to sunset years due to their never-give-up attitude. Though he won’t be making an album anytime soon, a role he takes on that utilizes his voice in an interesting way will bring in his biggest salary to date, and it may be through a movie.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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