April 11, 2001

Mercury and Pluto argue over whether or not a short-term plan will lead to a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It’s natural to express strong doubt over things you were sure of yesterday. Fight the urge to escape through food for alcohol. The maturity to sit with uncomfortable feelings until they subside shows a commitment to your goals.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. A better balance between your professional role and personal life will make you happy. Indecisive people will bog you down. You can act more effectively on your own. You deserve to be in relationships you can count on.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. Asking for guidance means you are strong, not weak. If you don’t reveal too much about yourself, your allure will remain mysterious and intriguing. Your generous spirit will put others at ease tonight. Your friends and relatives rely on you.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. Your practical nature serves you well as impulsive people try to steer you in a different direction. Take a moment to get your thoughts together before you spontaneously take action. A hint of romance will alter a work relationship.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Be precise on the job. Casual remarks are taken seriously. Jobs in management will open up. In romance, a second chance or an opportunity to make up for lost time is featured. An interesting and unique individual will pop into your life.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. A mentor or mate will help you understand the ins and outs of legal and property entanglements. Refuse to play games, or you’ll lose the upper hand. The telephone will bring good news. A visit from an out-of-towner is possible tonight.

. You shine. Fantastic ideas will come in the next 15 days. Speculative business enterprises will pay off in May. You’ll discover a new love interest this month; a Libra is your ideal partner. Children will return home. Buy property in June. Raises and promotions you’ll come across mid-August are all for the better. Travel in September will bring financial contacts. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 39, 22, 5 and 3.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Your love life thrives when flirty fun is the focus and not long-term commitment, which can’t be forced. Insightful people need your ear, and you need their input. Don’t waste time chasing what is owned to you because it’s effortless to collect it.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. You could feel foolish later if you express your assumptions without evidence. Get records and accounts in order this afternoon, and you’ll be prepared for a lucrative business rush. Others will try to push your buttons, but it’s a test.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Lectures and other kinds of advice will aid your career. A friendly voice from the past could offer love this time around. If you’re short on cash for reasons beyond your control, bear with it! Leo fate take over for you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Make a wish list. Your contribution at work is important, and without it, very little gets accomplished. Interviews and presentations will go splendidly. True love displays itself as quiet understanding. Compromise with a friend.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Your assertiveness will pay off. You could achieve your goals in a snap with a few well-placed phone calls. Your friends will make an extra effort to please you, and this should not be forgotten when you hit a bit of good luck this afternoon.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Spontaneous luck will dominate your day. Consistency is your formula to sweet success, so follow through on promises. Socializing will help you forget your worries and get interested in the future. Expansion is the theme.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Your career instincts are well-honed, so put them to work. What you do spontaneously will turn out to be the most effective. An obstinate problem will try your patience – conquer it. A Taurus knows your heart well.

"I would like some insight on what my future will hold and where I’ll be in a few years. What’s in store for me? My birthday is Jan. 11, 1060."

It’s an action-filled year for you! Your moon is in Gemini, and your Venus, Mars and Jupiter are in way faring Sagittarius. You love to keep moving, and it’s an integral part of your nature, as well. You’re likely in between jobs now and will step into a new position in April. Your sun in practical Capricorn foretell that it would be wise for you to aim at career goals that include travel as part of your advancement package. You are relentlessly ambitious, and you’ll never settle for less than the top of whatever worldly mountain you may choose to conquer. As a Capricorn, "capable may as well be your middle name. Someone in your life now is not for the long-term, and you are coming to grips with this. By June, you’ll meet someone new who understands your deep need for freedom and independence.

Dianne Wiest is a vibrant Aries who could be moved by philanthropic forces this year and travel the world to forward a cause. Her moon in Scorpio is an aspect of unstoppable sex appeal that drives her to explore the world, uncover mysteries and shed light on the subversive. Mercury in Pisces lends Aries the gift of beautiful speech-writing and the ability to move people with wise words.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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