Horoscope - January 20, 2001

Critical vibes may disturb the flow of easygoing love as the moon transits through Virgo, the great improver. Today Mercury is conjunct with the sun, and we feel we have permission to speak up about what’s been bothering us. Withholding information from loved ones won’t help anyone. We are more ready to face the truth than we expected.

(March 21-April 19). Consider an innovative request or suggestion. If you feel like you’re always on the defensive, remove yourself from the situation. Remember that your words are taken very seriously now. Your apology will be accepted.

(April 20-May 20). Sparks of romance are there, whether or not you choose to notice. Large purchases are lucky, especially in real estate. Maybe it’s time to start business projects with family members. Continue to reach out to those in need.

(May 21-June 21). Realize your part in an unhealthy relationship, and make changes that prevent the same mistakes from happening again. Fight for justice, and uphold peaceful standards, no matter how idyllic and impossible they may seem.

(June 22-July 22). A rich friendship develops through a shared secret. Singles attract smart romantic prospects by pursuing their own interests. A lusty Taurus or charming Gemini is a partner you can count on. Say what you want, and you’ll get it.

(July 23-Aug. 22). You are energized and adventurous. Try to be broad-minded. If you keep a wide-open scope, you can save yourself quiet a few hours and days of work. The answers to your problems are not as difficult as you might think.

. Love is waiting for you at every step of the way. You need only choose it. In February write, call and reach out for new goals and friends. Powerful people back your ambitions in March. Home skills lead to extra profit in December and February. A partnership opens up a new world now and in March.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Reassess all relationships – you are totally different now. The world is ready for subtle changes for those who have been downtrodden for too long. On a personal level, it’s time to forgive and forget.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Slow down, and put your ideas into practice. Romantic excitement is in store! Socializing and joint business or financial matters are favored. Take a class; you’ll increase your earning power and your confidence.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Thoroughness and accuracy put you in front of the crowd. Present ideas to those who count. A love affair is about to take off in high gear; you’ll be invited on a romantic getaway. You are filled with creative ideas.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A troublesome misunderstanding with a good friend is straightened out. Relationships with the in-laws improve after both sides compromise. Strange feelings about a new person are your special intuitional gifts.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). A weekend trip is on: Pack light, and make the most of romance on the road. Married couples grow tighter through travel. Job interviews let you show your reliability. Keep some creative ideas to yourself.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The workplace could use some levity, so kid around. You have a chance to fall in love; someone is trying to get your attention. Travel plans can be made, and you’ll be sure to have the time of your life.

(Feb. 19-March 20). New information casts light and reveals much-needed answers. Appreciate children; they need encouragement every day. You take in information like a sponge. The romantic picture is complex.

"My friend’s birthday is Sept. 9, 1966, and my birthday is Nov. 5, 1948. What do you think about our relationship?"

Well, there are some signs of attraction between these two charts. Your Mars positions are trined in fire signs, for one thing. But you may be so dominant in this relationship, powerful Scorpio, that it becomes a matter of deciding whether he is strong enough for you. Your moon positions are opposite; his in Capricorn and yours in Cancer. You’ll be able to share goals and plans. He’s very hard-working, and Virgo people are eager to please, but keep in mind that he needs lots of consideration for his own ideas and ambitions. It would be easy for you to set the agenda for the direction of the marriage, and he might go along with your thoughts, but underneath it all, he’ll slowly grow to resent the lack of personal fulfillment. Encourage him, and insist that he develop his own direction and skills. Ask his advice regularly, and accept his criticisms as an exercise in sharing – he is very critical, but he will usually be right! It’s not easy to live with a perfectionist, but if you can voluntarily discipline your Scorpio ego to be a true partner, you’ll be home free.

"Baywatch" leading man David Hasseslhoff is an atypical Cancer actor, but this is largely due to other strong influences in his chart. His moon in determined Taurus (which rules the throat), and Mercury and Venus in show-stopping Leo, give him more showbiz sensibility than the average sensitive Cancer. His crossover career move as a European pop star is a stellar example of Cancerian intuition – one of Cancer’s many talents is being at the right place at the right time.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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