Horoscope - December 19 (Tuesday)

The Libra moon is a reminder to share and share alike. The balance of this aspect is much needed in the final hours of Sagittarian solar energy, making us think that we’re rushing the clock. Delegate and win. New couples are formed out of a shared interest in simply getting things done. Practical help leads to very impractical romantic feelings.

(March 21-April 19). Superficial desires fall to the wayside when you find something to be excited about pursuing. Follow your own advice; brain power is up. Alert relatives to a change in the plan ASAP. Someone special pops in unexpectedly.

(April 20-May 20). Dare to reinvent yourself. You are more lucky in love when you don’t care anymore about relationship security. Pitch your ideas with finesse, and you’ll gain new respect from your superiors. Something you dread turns out to be wonderful.

(May 21-June 21). Try a sweetheart’s idea; it just might work. Though your job is tough, stretch yourself, and do what’s asked. Cleaning behind cushions and under the rugs results in extra cash. Details and routine tasks are dispatched accurately.

(June 22-July 22). Start something big. Co-workers interrupt your flow unless you take measures to shut out the world while you’re working. Little shopping trips pay off in big bargains, and it makes way for a little flirtation that lifts your spirits, too.

(July 23-Aug. 22). The goals you write down are more likely to be met. Take part in children’s classroom or after-school activities. Smart money management is opening doors for you. Strong romantic vibes continue to tug. Social invitations are very intriguing.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (December 19).
Money in the next three weeks gives you greater comfort and efficiency all year. Next month, you’ll go the extra mile for others, and your own life will prosper. Your increased community involvement in February will lead to love and chances to get new job training. Enjoy a thrilling brush with fame and fortune in March. Promises will be fulfilled in April. Your lucky numbers are: 35, 21, 5, 3 and 18.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Offers made earlier in the week will be shown for what they’re really worth. Travel plans are stalled, but it’s for the better. Former employers or mentors extend their warm invitation. Return borrowed items before it becomes an issue.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re drawing potential partners like a magnet. Don’t take things for their literal meaning because you’ll either be disappointed, or miss the fun of what it really could be. An adolescent needs "hip" guidance. Approach your problems with stealth.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Take a break from group activities, and do things on your own. You expect to be instantly good at everything, but a creative talent must be nurtured and challenged. Improving your communication skills adds to financial power.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your way is cleared for action; get as much done as possible. Organization pays of; you’ll find lost papers. Being available for an unexpected meeting gets you a lucrative opportunity. Use your best manners with family or in-laws.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). A brilliant strategy will impress everyone and land you exactly where you want to be. Join or apply for club memberships where you will certainly find true love. Clear up any outstanding bills before making a shopping trip.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Priorities are the theme; what others think is most important may not be for you. Temporary pleasure is postponed for future success – the mark of true maturity. An assistant can improve your life, or even save the day.

(Feb. 19-March 20). Money and how to responsibly handle it is the real issue. Make a move in personal matters; anxiety will increase the longer you wait. Popularity with peers reaches a new peak; organize for a cause. Volunteer your time to others.

What do you buy the Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra or Scorpio in your life? If you know what computer software or hardware Cancer has been wanting, it’s a winning gift – if not, go for the gift certificate, since Cancer usually has a very specific idea about the tools they need. Techno-gadgetry of all sorts suit most Cancer natives, as does anything soothing, such as candles, bath salts or ancient music. Leo loves to dress up, and accessories are always a hot gift. Fancy gloves, scarves, hats, shoes and so on are appreciated, especially in bright colors or animal prints! Virgo spends so much time helping others, a gift certificate for pampering services is perfect. Catering to Virgo’s green thumb is also smart, perhaps with seeds, gardening gloves, tools or exotic plants. Libra will love artsy items such as museum store postcards, prints of famous paintings, handmade pottery or any works by a local artist. Tickets to concerts are also a fine gift for culture Libra. Scorpio will thank you for gifts that appeal to his or her sensuality. Sexy undies, satin sheets or lingerie will delight Scorpio, as will desktop fountains or ripe fruits. Scorpio will love to indulge all five senses this season!

It’s a year of heroic moves for Jeff Bridges who will perhaps even play a superhero on film. Like his brother Beau, Jeff Bridges is a bright Sagittarius, capable of igniting the passions of the creative people he works with as well as sparking the enthusiasm of his audience and fans. Sagittarius has the talent of contagion; as stars they tend to gravitate toward roles that will motivate others to explore.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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