Horoscope - December 15, 2000

Venus leaves the shelter of protective Capricorn for a trip through open-minded Aquarius. Relationships are more difficult to define as our role in relationships begins to defy tradition. The sun and Mercury in Sagittarius kept the atmosphere charged and competitive all weekend long, even as we take advantage of the Taurus moon’s sensual offerings.

(March 21-April 19). Relying on others hinders your ability to tap into your own resources. Remember that in romantic matters ,the mind is the greatest aphrodisiac of all, it’s not dependent on body type, clothing, weight or height. Confidence helps your attitude.

(April 20-May 20). There’s nothing wrong with showing your abilities; talk about past achievements. Do not take on additional responsibilities until the present plate is empty. Give or attend parties, and you’ll get some much-needed mental diversion.

(May 21-June 21). You’ll go the limit for a loyal friend. A dramatic change happens in your love life, but only when you are ready for it. Tonight is the perfect chance to show that you respect others’ points of view, despite your strong feelings on a subject.

(June 22-July 22). Fighting for a cause makes you sexier. Be where others can find you. Do background research for future plans. You’ll get a big boost to your spirits in the evening, when someone expresses his or her true love. Iron out problems.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Put your goals into perspective; outdated ideas slow you down. You’ll receive luck through telephone calls. Accept invitations you make important business contacts .Make sacrifices so you can spend time with loved ones.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (December 15).
Problems are solved quickly this year because you know exactly what you want. More than one quest will be fulfilled by January. Employers are receptive to creative input through January, especially when new assignments lead to fantastic windfalls. Much is gained in February from new associations. Your best signs for love are Libra and Pisces. Your lucky numbers are: 41, 23, 4, 29 and 3.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You are highly psychic now .Creative and communicative endeavors will be quite successful. Start a new business enterprise – you have many investors around you; just open your eyes! Pisces charms you off your feet.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Let a sweetheart pursue you for a while, and take a break from romantic obsessing. A favor you did for a Leo is returned. You are full of productive energy and should be rearranging the house, or learning organizational computer programs.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Changing your mind is permitted, as long as you have hard facts to back up your choice. Marriage partners solve a financial crisis. Remember awards from your past achievements; writing, painting or musical talents will bring recognition.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The only way you can lose in love now is by not trying. Money comes almost magically. Schedule meetings and send out resumes. Say "yes" to invitations. Typical teenage rebellion will pass if you remain calm, so sit tight.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Make your choice, or your options will begin to dwindle. Employers give you favorable recommendations. Co-workers can impede your effectiveness. Ask for a job transfer. Relocating for business will bring you luck.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Parents finally find the money to buy a child a new toy or a special treat. All types of family interaction are lucky. Select a Gemini as your special mentor in business. If a former partner returns today, rebuild this relationship.

(Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll obtain luck through speeches and seminars. Corporate maneuvers are tricky, and updated information is vital. Sales people attract new clients. You are centered on solving a mystery. Splurge on love; gifts are more meaningful.

The atmosphere is charged with fire-sign energy as the sun and Mercury speed through Sagittarius. It is known to have a "grass-is-always-greener" affect on mortals, and it’s only natural to take stock in what everyone else has going. Aries has terrific luck meeting people out on the town or at popular hangouts. Taurus has a sensual lunar energy to work with and can attract anyone it desires enough. Gemini is feeling sexy, and its bold-ideal partners are Aquarius or Libra. Cancer may be thrown by the emotions that come up when an "ex" finds someone new. Leo can’t get enough time alone and should try harder to keep that sacred. Virgo goes for something surprisingly nontraditional. Libra meets a mate by following through on creative goals. Scorpio is focused on making money, but will still find time for love. Sagittarius is receiving so much star power now, it can’t go wrong ,and it gets credit for what it does and doesn’t do! Capricorns needs cheering up from loved ones. Aquarius has new options in love and has luck playing the field.

Scorpio and Pisces are two water signs getting along famously this weekend. The overwhelming emotion that springs from this mix would be too much for people of other sign persuasions. But intense feelings are the forte of water signs. In fact, both may feel hollow unless they can prove to their partner (through a passionate outburst, possibly) that the special emotions shared are exclusive.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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