Horoscope - November 16 (Thursday)

A lucky arrangement between Neptune and Mars keeps our dreams vivid, making it easier to pursue them, and the Aries moon has us burning plenty of ambitious energy to do just that. Put yourself in a position where luck can find you. That means don’t stay home; get out for lunch or join after-work socials or seminars. Inspiration is the name of the game.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. A social heavyweight will be seduced by your confidence. Your lucky areas are in business, school and investments in art. Domestic issues demand your patience – your efforts to cooperate aren’t matched by anyone else.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. Being an advocate for teamwork will bring you luck. Join forces with competent allies for a big commercial gain. Your advertising strategy will get outstanding results; a pro’s advice gives your media blitz the clout it will need to succeed.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. Brainstorming with an ally solves a dilemma; it will also lead to creative projects in the weeks ahead. A club, business association or government program donates dollars to your cause. In sports, you are a powerhouse. Play to win.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. Apply for a grant. Students: Strive for that scholarship. A midday-luncheon get together summons forth steamy weekend dates. Observe relationships from a new angle, and you can work through confusing feelings.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Act in good conscience, and your path will suddenly become clear. At work, be precise, leave nothing to be misinterpreted. Athletes will have hot luck out on the field or on the gym floor. Success is due equally to clever tactics and physical verve.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (November 16)
. You’re radiant with a sexy charm – and more. Your animal magnetism peaks this month; you’ll telegraph an urgent message that dates cannot refuse. In December, your dynamic drive will be evident to a cash-rich crowd. Health is never better as a result of your new exercise and diet plan, which you will begin in January. Work-related travel is in view during the spring. Your lucky numbers are: 7,. 2, 10, 44 and 9.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. A prudent move now ensures your financial success later. You’re a savvy listener. Focus on a friend to gain insight into your own situation. If you don’t remember to create an atmosphere for passion tonight, it definitely won’t happen.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. Others see you as the strong one, and they will depend on you to be supportive. An employer has romantic designs on you, nip it in the bud. Adversaries finally agree with you. Make the crucial decisions when others cannot.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. If you don’t follow through on a promise, someone else will. Someone asks for your sympathy, but he or she needs professional attention. Try to avoid making blanket generalizations, or you will end up eating your own words.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
In love, fundamental differences will become apparent. You may have to front some money – keep all of your receipts. Focus on special career goals, and other parts of your life will fall right into place. Streamline your desires.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Vitality and ideas will pour forth from you, once you resolve to give up worrying. You really make a difference in someone’s happiness. Your humbled neighbor finally apologizes, and you can now renew that long-lost friendship.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Your willpower is strong, therefore, you should form new habits. You will favor anything that has to do with the arts. You are immensely talented, but as the old saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." So keep to it until you master it.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You will have the power to change any situation if you believe that you can. Participating in political events will bring you closer to the people who affect your destiny. Stir the embers of a romantic fire, or it might snuff itself out.

"My family really wants me to go to college like all my older brothers did, and my parents want to pay for it. I know I’m lucky to have this opportunity, but I don’t want them to waste their money. I don’t want to go to college. I’ve already started building a business, and don’t want to sacrifice the income to be a full time student. What would be best for me? I was born on May 20, 1977 ."

We all need money to get along in life, but your need to expand your knowledge base is quite strong now, as well. Your chart shows harmony between the planets; Jupiter (expansion) in Gemini (communication) and Pluto (transformation) in Libra (one-on-one alliances). It will be enriching for you to cultivate mentally stimulating relationships with significant others, such as mates, partners and colleagues. Avoid scattering your resources through aimless dabbling. Set clear goals. Your Saturn (discipline) in Leo (leadership) suggests that you have a powerful will, and you can direct it effectively.

Scorpio dominates the birth chart of Martin Scorsese, a brilliant filmmaker who has the sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all deposited in Scorpio. These aspects signify a man who can accept life at its darkest levels and be accepting, even forgiving, of the worst in human nature. Though he’s already had more hits than most other directors, his biggest picture is yet to come.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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