Advincula: Only God’s love is forever

Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula.
STAR/ File

MANILA, Philippines — There is nothing permanent in this world except for God’s love, according to Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula.

“This is the reason why the ash placed on our foreheads is shaped as a cross. The cross is a reminder of the only forever: the love of God, a love that is everlasting, a love that is unconditional,” Advincula said during the Ash Wednesday mass yesterday.

The daubing of ash on the forehead is a reminder of people’s weakness and death, he added.

Ash Wednesday, which coincided with this year’s Valentine’s Day, is the start of the 40-day Lenten season.?Catholics observe fasting, abstinence and almsgiving during this period in preparation for the coming of Easter.

In a Facebook post yesterday, President Marcos called on Filipinos to “reflect and renew” their faith.

Marcos attended mass yesterday to observe Ash Wednesday and celebrate the 100th birthday of Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Juan Ponce Enrile, according to the Presidential Communications Office.

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