Fewer Pinoys see better quality of life – SWS poll

Last minute Christmas shoppers experience the holiday rush as they flock to Divisoria in Manila on December 23, 2023.
Edd Gumban / The Philippine STAR

MANILA, Philippines — Despite a having a positive outlook for 2024, a smaller percentage of Filipinos expect to have a better quality of life this year, a survey conducted by Social Weather Stations (SWS) showed.

Results of the Dec. 8 to 11 survey released yesterday showed that 44 percent of the respondents expect a better quality of life in the next 12 months.

It was down four points from the 48 percent obtained in a similar survey conducted in September. It was also the lowest under the current Marcos administration, one point below the 45 percent obtained in October 2022.

Meanwhile, the number of those who expect their lives to worsen within a year decreased by a point from six percent to five percent.

Another 44 percent said it will stay the same, up from 40 percent, while the remaining seven percent did not give an answer.

The latest survey resulted in a “net personal optimism” score of +39, classified as “very high” by the polling firm. It was down from the “excellent” +42 obtained in the September survey.

The “net personal optimism” score is obtained by subtracting those who said their lives will worsen from those who said their lives will improve within the year.

“Net personal optimism” was highest among respondents in Metro Manila at +47 (from +30), followed by those in Mindanao at +43 (same as in previous survey), rest of Luzon at +40 (from +50) and the Visayas at +27 (from +30);

Balance Luzon at +50 (from +44), followed by those in Mindanao at +43 (from +36), Metro Manila at +30 (from +41) and the Visayas at +30 (from +39).

It was highest among high school graduates at +45 (from +46), followed by college graduates at +38 (from +46), elementary graduates at +36 (from +38) and non-elementary graduates at +24 (from +30).

Survey results earlier released by SWS showed that a record-high 96 percent is entering 2024 with hope, up from 95 percent for the 2023 outlook.

The SWS fourth quarter survey had 1,200 adult respondents and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percent for national percentages.

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