Marcos suspends LTFRB chief over corruption allegations

Teofilo Guadiz III

MANILA, Philippines — President Marcos has suspended Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) Chairman Teofilo Guadiz III following allegations that huge sums have to be paid to process transactions in his office.

“President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has ordered the suspension of Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board chairman Teofilo Guadiz III amid reports of alleged corruption under his leadership,” the Presidential Communications Office said in a statement issued yesterday.

“The President does not tolerate any misconduct in his administration and has instructed the immediate investigation of this matter. He strongly condemns dishonesty and duplicity in public service,” the office added.

This developed as a former LTFRB official yesterday bared corruption in the agency, saying at least P5 million is paid in exchange for the approval of franchise or securing routes and special permits.

At a press conference, Jeffrey Gallos Tumbado, former head executive assistant (HEA) of Guadiz, said that the corruption could reach Malacañang.

“If you are an operator and you want to secure a route, especially in the provinces, if you want to ensure the immediate approval, you will look for me and (pay) P5 million for special permit, substitution, board resolution, franchise,” Tumbado said.

He added that as Guadiz’s HEA, operators talked to him.

“The money also reached the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and Malacañang, then even the LTFRB regional directors have their monthly quota of P2 million,” Tumbado said.

He added that he has screenshots and recordings to prove his allegations.

“I don’t believe it only benefits (Guadiz); there was instruction from the higher ups. They even called me a bagman, I want to correct that, I only act as conduit,” Tumbado said.

“I have evidence that it reached Malacañang. I have first hand conversation since I am an HEA, we discuss everything,” he added.

Tumbado did not directly say if he benefited from the corruption.

“I cannot confirm nor deny,” he said.

Tumbado was appointed as HEA last February and resigned last Sept. 15.

He said he started as head of the LTFRB Communications Office in October last year until he was appointed as HEA.

“I was reassigned, and there were allegations that I am the bagman. I want to correct that, I don’t ask for money,” he maintained.

Tumbado said that the LTFRB plans to use him as a sacrificial lamb.

He added that he would file charges against officials before the Office of the Ombudsman through his counsel Noel Atienza.

“I will name those officials involved during the filing,” Tumbado said.

For his part, Manibela chairman Mar Valbuena vowed to support Tumbado in his crusade.

“I was convinced as he presented evidence. I will support him until the end,” the transport group head said.

Guadiz vowed to face the allegations against him.

“I have no knowledge about the allegations, but I am ready to face the charges. My conscience is clear,” he said.

Transport strike

Meanwhile, Manibela will hold another strike starting Monday next week as the Dec. 31 deadline set by the LTFRB on the phaseout of traditional jeepneys looms.

At a press conference yesterday, Valbuena disclosed that at least 200,000 jeepney drivers nationwide are expected to join the transport strike.

“Starting Monday (Oct. 16), we will start our transport strike. We will coincide this with a protest in front of the LTFRB, DOTr and even Malacañang,” Valbuena said, noting that the strike would be held even in the regions.

“They always threatened us that our franchise will only be effective until Dec. 31 (2023),” he added, referring to the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program.

Under LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2023-013, single operators who fail to meet the consolidation requirement by the deadline shall have their franchises or certificates of public convenience revoked.

The strike will continue until Guadiz, who was earlier suspended, resigns, according to Valbuena.

“The transport strike will continue. It is not only for one day. We will issue another media advisory on this,” Valbuena said.

He added that the LTFRB is pushing for expensive modernized jeepneys despite traditional jeepneys being more reliable and cheaper.

The scheduled transport strike on Monday will be the third mobilization organized by Manibela. The first was last March 6, followed by another one last July 24, which coincided with the second State of the Nation Address of President Marcos.

Valbuena said he expects other transport groups will downplay the strike after the so-called Magnificent 7 did not join the mobilization.

“(The Magnificent 7) have no members. All the presidents of the transport associations are here,” he added.

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