

P1 billion for Marawi siege victims OK’d

Louise Maureen Simeon - The Philippine Star
P1 billion for Marawi siege victims OK�d
This photo taken on May 23, 2021 shows workers walking along a newly paved road past homes which were destroyed in 2017 when Islamic State-inspired Muslim militants laid siege to the southern Philippine city of Marawi, resulting in a five-month campaign that claimed more than 1,000 lives until government troops re-took control.
AFP / Ferdinandh Cabrera

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has released P1 billion to compensate the victims of the Marawi siege.

Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman has approved the special allotment release order of P1 billion to cover the compensation of Marawi siege victims under the 2023 national budget.

The funding aims to indemnify people living in Marawi who were displaced and who lost their properties due to the armed conflict over six years ago.

The Marawi Siege Victims Compensation Fund is included under the P23.21-billion calamity fund as part of the record P5.268-trillion 2023 national budget.

The Marawi Compensation Board (MCB) had determined that 362 victims would receive monetary compensation from the allocation.

Based on the provisions of the calamity fund, it will be used to compensate any lawful owner of residential, cultural or commercial structures and other properties in Marawi’s primarily affected areas or other areas destroyed or damaged, either totally or partially, due to the war.

The government will likewise compensate owners of private properties demolished pursuant to the implementation of the Marawi Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program.

The heirs of those who died and legally presumed dead, in accordance with the law and guidelines of the MCB, are also included.

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