

DBM vows compliance with ombudsman order related to Pharmally

Louise Maureen Simeon - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has committed to comply with the decision of the Office of the Ombudsman to dismiss officials involved in the Pharmally scandal at the height of the pandemic.

In a statement, Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman has assured the public that the agency will fully abide by the ombudsman decision against former and incumbent officials of DBM’s Procurement Service (PS-DBM).

The ombudsman recently found probable cause to charge graft cases against former PS-DBM executive director Christopher Lloyd Lao, former PS-DBM procurement group director and current Overall Deputy Ombudsman Warren Lex Liong and PS-DBM procurement management officer Paul Jasper de Guzman.

This came after the anomalous purchase of P4 billion worth of medical supplies, specifically RT-PCR test kits, from start-up company Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corp. in 2020.

Other PS-DBM officials involved include director Christine Marie Suntay, officer-in-charge procurement division chief Webster Laureñana and employees August Ylagan and Jasonmer Uayan.

Pangandaman said she has instructed PS-DBM executive director Dennis Santiago to enforce the decision concerning Liong, de Guzman, Laureñana, Ylagan, Uayan and Suntay, who are all still with the PS-DBM.

The ombudsman had ordered Pangandaman to implement the dismissal order against the concerned PS-DBM officials.

The ombudsman has imposed the penalty of dismissal from service, forfeiture of all retirement benefits and perpetual disqualification from reemployment in the government service on the involved officials.

However, due to their separation from service, the dismissal penalty will be converted into a fine equivalent to one year’s salary of the respondents.

“The DBM holds steadfast in its commitment to uphold the principles of transparency, good governance, accountability and strict adherence to the rule of law,” Pangandaman said.

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