Most Pinoys use, understand Filipino, English – Social Weather Stations

Shoppers flock to Divisoria to purchase discounted items on June 4, 2023.
STAR / Edd Gumban

MANILA, Philippines — A majority of Filipinos use and understand both the Filipino and English languages, a recent survey conducted by Social Weather Stations (SWS) showed.

Results of the March 26 to 29 survey released yesterday showed that 96 percent of the respondents read Filipino, while 93 percent write and understand it when spoken to using the language.

Some 87 percent said they speak, while 75 percent think using Filipino.

Out of those who use Filipino, 53 percent said they “fully use it,” the highest since the survey was first conducted in September 2000, when 45 percent said they “fully use” Filipino.

In the latest survey, 29 percent said they “fairly use” the Filipino language, 15 percent “partial only” and four percent “almost no use.”

Meanwhile, 80 percent of the respondents said they read and understand spoken English.

Some 69 percent write in English, 55 percent speak it and 47 percent think using the language. Nine percent said they do not apply any of the skills.

Only nine percent said they “fully use” English, while 35 percent said they “fairly use it.” Some 41 percent said they “partially” use English, while 14 percent said there is “almost no use” of the language for them.

The latest survey had 1,200 adult respondents and a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percent.

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