

Go Negosyo founder acknowledges public-private partnership amid lifting of health emergency

Go Negosyo founder acknowledges public-private partnership amid lifting of health emergency
A man runs past a COVID-themed mural in Barangay Iilog, Pasig City. At right, Health Secretary Teodoro Herbosa speaks during a press conference the other day. The DOH chief said yesterday President Marcos is expected to formally order soon the lifting of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the country.
Michael Varcas, Edd Gumban

MANILA, Philippines — After President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. lifted the state of public health emergency, Joey Concepcion, the founder of Go Negosyo, lauded the silver lining that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"The pandemic brought the public and private sectors together. It showcased the formidable strength of government and industry joining forces to combat any adversity," Concepcion said.

In the lead-up to Marcos' second State of the Nation Address, Concepcion emphasized that the collective effort between public and private sectors exemplifies the best of times for the country.

Having served as the Presidential Adviser on Entrepreneurship under the previous administration, Concepcion became a prominent figure during the pandemic. 

Alongside the private sector, he spearheaded various initiatives, such as Project Ark, facilitating accessible mass testing, and orchestrating A Dose of Hope—a groundbreaking tripartite agreement to surmount bureaucratic barriers and provide vaccines.

Concepcion also organized townhall meetings, ensuring the active involvement of medical professionals and scientists in shaping pandemic response policies.

“Credit should go to the leadership of people like Secretary Ted Herbosa, Secretary Francisco Duque, Secretary Charlie Galvez, Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, Secretary Eduardo Ano, Secretary Dominguez, Secretary Nograles, Secretary Vince Dizon, Undersecretary Rosette, the doctors and scientists who were all ready to work with one another,” the Go Negosyo founder said.

Concepcion also noted the collaborative efforts that brought the AstraZeneca vaccine to the Philippines. 

Through a unique partnership with the government, the private sector secured the vaccine at a special price and generously donated half of the acquired doses to the government.

While the pandemic exacted a toll on lives and livelihoods, Concepcion said the positive shifts it triggered, particularly the accelerated digitalization across the nation. Filipinos embraced e-wallets for contactless transactions, fostering greater financial inclusion, and contributing to the country's robust economic rebound.

With COVID-19 still a concern, Concepcion called for a continued focus on strengthening the healthcare sector and producing more nurses and healthcare professionals. As the world increasingly depends on Filipino nurses, the Philippines stands at the center of this vital opportunity to meet global demands.

"We must now strive to revitalize our economy, generate employment, and cultivate livelihood opportunities," Concepcion said.

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