Navy gets 2 new missile-capable patrol boats

Handout photo shows the two missile-capable patrol boats delivered to the Philippine Navy on MV Mick.
Philippine Navy Modernization Office

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Navy is adding two more missile-capable patrol craft to its Littoral Combat Force with the arrival of gunboats from Israel.

The two new Fast Attack Interdiction Craft-Missile (FAIC-M) boats are among nine that the Philippines acquired from Israel Shipyards.

"They are a welcome addition to the Navy’s capability to secure vital choke points, key sea lines of communication, and littoral areas of the country," Capt. Benjo Negranza, Philippine Navy spokesman, said in a statement on Wednesday. Littoral refers to waters near shore. 

Before commissioning into the fleet, the boats will undergo tests and crew training in Cavite.

The acquisition of the boats is part of the military modernization program. The nine FAIC-M platforms were acquired for $176 million.

Two of the boats were already delivered last year. According to a newsletter from The Diplomat, four more are slated to arrive in this year and the last three will be delivered on 2024.

The two new craft missile boats will be commissioned in May as Nestor Acero-class gunboats.

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