Criminal raps filed vs 3 suspects in Degamo killing

MANILA, Philippines — Criminal complaints have been filed against three suspects in the brazen killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo, the Department of Justice said Monday.

Two days after the brutal killing, DOJ Undersecretary Nicholas Ty said in a streamed press conference that two separate sets of complaints have been filed against the following suspects who were arrested over the weekend:

  • Joven Javier, a former Army ranger
  • Benjie Rodriguez
  • Joric Labrador

One set of complaints for violation of the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act and illegal possession of firearms are pending before the Office of the City Prosecutor of Bayawan City, in Dumaguete.

Another set of multiple murder complaints, for inquest, are filed against them before the Office of the Prosecutor in Negros Oriental. Raps have also been filed over the injuries sustained by 16 persons.

Ty said the respondents are undergoing inquest and a resolution may be expected within the day.

An inquest proceeding would determine the validity of a warrantless arrest. If indicted by prosecutors, the accused would face charges before the court.

DOJ to take over future cases

Ty noted the future complaints are likely to be filed in relation to the killing of the provincial governor. “The DOJ Central Office here in Padre Faura (Manila) intends to take cognizance of these future cases,” he continued.

Two witnesses in the case have already been referred to the Witness Protection Program, the DOJ official added.

Respondents will also be transferred to Metro Manila for protective custody, in coordination with the Philippine National Police, Ty also said.

So far, authorities have four persons in custody, Interior and Local Secretary Benhur Abalos Jr., who was also at Monday's press conference, said. Three of them are facing complaints, while the other one in custody has no link to the case.

Another suspect was killed in a shootout.

Abalos remained tight-lipped on possible motives behind the gruesome killing, pointing out that the hot pursuit operation is still ongoing.

“We will not stop until we rest all [involved], especially the mastermind behind this [crime],” he added in Filipino.

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