VaxCertPH turned over to ICAO for recognition

Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Assistant Secretary for consular affairs Henry Bensurto turned over the VaxCertPH that will now be included in the ICAO Health Master List which will facilitate the recognition of Philippine vaccination certificates.
Image from the website of the city government of Davao.

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines turned over the encrypted copy of the Philippine Digital Vaccination Certificate (VaxCertPH) to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) headquarters in Montreal, Canada for the recognition of the country’s vaccination certificates.

Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Assistant Secretary for consular affairs Henry Bensurto turned over the VaxCertPH that will now be included in the ICAO Health Master List which will facilitate the recognition of Philippine vaccination certificates.

The DFA announced that the Philippines’ COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate or VaxCertPH is now accepted and recognized by the European Union Digital COVID-19 Certificate (EUDCC) system for use across all the member states of and within the EU community.

Including the VaxCertPH in the EUDCC means that technical recognition is accorded to VaxCertPH, which will now be regarded uniformly along with all issued EUDCC certificates recognized by EU member countries.

DFA said this ensures Filipinos’ seamless, expedited, safe travel and mobility to and within the EU.

VaxCertPH is now among the most widely recognized vaccination certificates globally across 94 countries and territories, as it is accepted among the top trading, investment, tourism and Filipino migrant destinations and partner countries of the Philippines.

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