DOH seeks FDA approval for 4th COVID-19 shot for elderly, immunocompromised

A senior citizen receives a COVID-19 jab at Pinyahan Elementary School in Quezon city during the continuation of inoculation of Sinovac vaccine on April 14, 2021. The
The STAR/Michael Varcas

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health has filed for Food and Drug Administration clearance of a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose for the elderly and immunocompromised, an official said Tuesday.

“The DOH has already submitted an application to the FDA for the amendment of emergency use authorization [of COVID-19 vaccines to allow] fourth doses,” Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said partly in Filipino during a briefing.

“So we will wait for the decision of FDA on this and after that, we will discuss for the possible implementation,” she added.

The government’s vaccine expert panel earlier recommended giving a second COVID-19 booster shot to senior citizens and immunocompromised individuals. The elderly and people with comorbidities are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

Currently, the EUA of COVID-19 jabs in the country allows only the administration of primary shots and booster doses.

Over 65.2 million Filipinos have completed vaccination against COVID-19. Meanwhile, more than 11.6 million people have received boosters.

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