ANYARE?: What's the deal with 'COP26'?

MANILA, Philippines — Global warming and climate change have always been a major concern as rising sea levels, temperatures and intense tropical cyclones pose a threat to vulnerable countries — all while the world keeps up with the demands of rapid industrialization and urbanization.

In the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), over 197 countries agreed on a new deal called "Glasgow Climate Pact" to tame the devastating effects of climate change.

Part of its goals is limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C and curbing greenhouse gas emissions to further avoid catastrophes.

However, environmental activists here and abroad were left dissappointed even with this pact. But why?

What exactly are "climate finance" and "climate justice"? How could the aforementioned help poor and developing nations like the Philippines who bear the brunt of mother nature's wrath?

Is there really something we could do about the situation?

Tonight, we ask: Anyare?

Join Gaea Katreena Cabico of in her COP26 coverage in Glasgow, Scotland as she delves deeper into the topic together with Atty. Vicente Yu III, negotiator for G77 and China group of developing countries.

Catch the 12th episode of Anyare? tonight at 6 p.m. on’s Facebook and YouTube accounts.

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