

Anti-terror body to name 25 Reds as terrorists

Romina Cabrera - The Philippine Star
Anti-terror body to name 25 Reds as terrorists
In this June 12, 2020 photo, a protester holds up an anti-terror bill placard as others march at the University of the Philippines Diliman.
The STAR / Michael Varcas, file

MANILA, Philippines — The Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) will declare as terrorists at least 25 members of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said.

The ATC yesterday started vetting personalities to be declared as terrorists as provided under Resolution 17, Esperon said.

The resolution will identify members of the CPP-NPA central committee, likely including its founding chairman Jose Maria Sison.

“Today we are vetting the personalities and would most likely confine them to the members of the central committee. Twenty-five personalities. We know there are alternate members but we are not yet including them in the initial list of personalities,” he said.

In December the ATC signed Resolution 12 designating the CPP and its armed wing, the NPA, as a terrorist organization following the collapse of the peace talks meant to end the country’s insurgency problem.

ATC Resolution 12, dated Dec. 9 2020, stated that it found probable cause that the CPP-NPA committed or conspired to commit terror acts as provided under Republic Act 11479 or the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.

Esperon last year said that supposed “legal fronts” of the CPP may also be implicated following the terrorist tag.

The ATC also met to pass Resolution 16, which declares individuals affiliated with local terrorist groups as terrorists.

These terror groups include the Islamic State East Asia, Maute group and Daulah Islamiyah.

Once declared terrorist, an individual or organization will be subjected to the authority of the Anti-Money Laundering Council, which will freeze their property or money.

The ATC is mandated to post and publish in a newspaper the list of groups or individuals tagged as terrorists.

A request for delisting may be filed before the ATC within 15 days from publication of the list.

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