Customs seeks DICT assistance after hack on website

The homepage of the Customs bureau now displays a placeholder error message
Screen capture from

MANILA, Philippines — The Bureau of Customs has sought the assistance of the Department of Information and Technology after hackers defaced its website.

In a statement Tuesday, Customs condemned the “unauthorized intrusion” into the agency’s website.

CNN Philippines reported Monday that the Customs' website header read “Hacked by Ultimate Haxor.” 

The page now displays a placeholder error page.

“Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero said that the incident is an attempt by criminals to derail the computerization program of the bureau designed to promote efficiency, transparency and eradicate graft and corruption,” Customs said.

System intact

It, however, assured the public that its computer system “remains intact and secure and that there is no disruption in the operations of the bureau.”

As of 2 p.m. Tuesday, the website, which is hosted by the DICT, remains inaccessible to the public.

“The bureau has already coordinated with the National Computer Emergency Response Team under the Cybersecurity Bureau of DICT,” Customs said.

CERT-PH is mandated to provide proactive government countermeasures to address incidents affecting the Philippine cyberspace and cybersecurity threats to the country.  

Alternative media groups in March called on the DICT to also act to address Dedicated Denial of Service attacks on their websites.

— Gaea Katreena Cabico

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