Government urged to protest China ‘threat’ over illegal workers

“The revelation by presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo of a threat by the Chinese ambassador of a tit-for-tat scenario of deportations smacks of political blackmail and bullying that should merit a diplomatic protest from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA),” Rep. Tom Villarin of party-list Akbayan said.
KJ Rosales

MANILA, Philippines — The government was urged yesterday to protest the alleged statement of Beijing’s ambassador on the issue of Chinese illegal workers here.

“The revelation by presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo of a threat by the Chinese ambassador of a tit-for-tat scenario of deportations smacks of political blackmail and bullying that should merit a diplomatic protest from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA),” Rep. Tom Villarin of party-list Akbayan said. 

“It is clear interference in our domestic affairs that should not be taken lightly. Rather than standing up for our sovereign rights, Panelo seems to stand down when confronted by China’s ambassador. It is downright pathetic for Malacañang to kowtow to Beijing’s wishes all the time. Subservience has never been that clearly defined by such acts of Malacañang,” Villarin said.

On Tuesday, Panelo told reporters that Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jianhua informed him that China would “do the same” if the country sent back illegal Chinese workers here.

“That is what the Chinese ambassador told me during dinner, that if this government will just deport Chinese not in accordance with law, then we (Chinese) will also do the same. That’s tit for tat,” he said.

Panelo did not say when the dinner took place.

President Duterte mentioned the illegal workers issue in a speech at a campaign rally in Laguna on Sunday.

“The Chinese here, just let them work here. Just let them. Why? We have 300,000 Filipinos in China,” he said.

In a speech in Cebu City later that day, he raised the number to 400,000 and said he could not just order the deportation of illegal Chinese workers because China might respond in kind.

The President has also claimed that the country lacks skilled Filipinos.

Villarin said the Duterte administration should not use double standards in treating foreign nationals overstaying in the country.

He said Chinese nationals illegally working here “have no rights for their continued stay, having violated Philippine laws.” 

“If the government deported Sister Patricia Fox just because she spoke against abuses by government, there is no reason that illegal Chinese workers should stay,” Villarin said.

He said it would be arbitrary for Beijing to resort to a tit-for-tat deportation.

“If that happens because we asserted our laws, it’s not a loss for Filipino workers who can be deployed elsewhere where their skills are much needed and well compensated,” he said.

Labor groups condemned the Chinese envoy for issuing the warning against the deportation of illegal Chinese.

In separate statements, the Nagkaisa Labor Coalition, Federation of Free Workers, Partido Manggagawa (PM) and Sentro said Zhao’s action was tantamount to “bullying” and “blackmailing” and should not be tolerated. 

PM chairman Rene Magtubo said the DFA should file a diplomatic protest. 

FFW president Sonny Matula said the ambassador’s pronouncement is “undiplomatic.”  

Joshua Mata, secretary-general of Sentro, said Zhao’s “arrogance manifests the attitude of the Chinese government toward our country.” 

‘Don’t make it an issue’

Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. believes that China will reciprocate with Filipinos illegally working in that country if Chinese workers are deported.

“What did I say? Aver? What did I say?” Locsin tweeted.

He warned not to make the increasing number of Chinese workers in the Philippines a big issue that may force China to throw out Filipino workers in that country.

“No working visa I am told. Just tourist. Make a big fuss about it and China is happy to end online gaming and our workers in China will be thrown out,” Locsin said in his tweet on Sunday afternoon in response to a query posed by a netizen.

“We have illegal workers in China too. Chinese illegal workers are here on visas upon arrival. DFA don’t give those out. Illegal employers are regularly shaken down by goat agents. It is a new business. Public-Privates Project. We don’t do genitals,” he tweeted, reacting to Duterte shrugging off Chinese workers in the Philippines. – With Sheila Crisostomo, Pia Lee-Brago 

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