DBM might scrap 200,000 vacant government positions

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Budget and Management is set to scrap some 200,000 government positions that have remained vacant for years, saving the government at least P19 billion for 2017.                                                                                                                                           

In yesterday’s Senate hearing on proposals to “rightsize” government offices, Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno said only 1.4 million out of 1.6 million total positions in government are filled up.

Diokno noted the 200,000 unfilled positions have remained vacant for years and that in many cases, the agencies involved could not find anyone to fill the positions.

The budget chief said P997 billion has been allotted for personal services or salaries of all public servants for 2017.

P19 billion of that amount has been earmarked for the unfilled 200,000 positions, although the funds have not been released.

Senate President Pro Tempore Franklin Drilon urged the DBM to look into abolishing the 200,000 unfilled positions immediately.

He said these positions might be unnecessary, since the government agencies were able to function without them for years.  

“If you reduce the budget for 200,000, you reduce your personal services and right there and then you already have rightsizing,” Drilon said. “What does that indicate to you? The position is not needed.”

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