MANILA, Philippines – Frontline troops have been given a new directive by their tough-talking and often foul-mouthed commander-in-chief.
“Do not go to war na hilamos lang (just washing your face). Magpagwapo kayo. Look good, smell good, fight good so you can be a very good Filipino soldier,” President Duterte told Army troops yesterday in Camp Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal.
“Put on fragrant cologne so you will smell good even during war. You should be fragrant and attractive. For the females, put lipstick,” he added.
While tough on his critics, Duterte was humorous and light-hearted when talking to soldiers, who are playing a key role in his campaign against illegal drugs.
The President assured the soldiers that he would provide them everything they need to perform their mandate. And that includes a pair of decent combat boots.
“If you want new shoes, let me know, I’ll buy you all,” the Chief Executive said.
“I would not want to see soldiers with outmoded, outdated (equipment),” he added.
“I will give you whatever I can afford. The best there is and I hope that we would remain one nation strong and truly one republic.”
Duterte said he is ready to support soldiers as they protect the people from security threats.
“I am a Filipino and just like you, I am ready to die for our country,” the President said.