Nine days left for bets to file SOCE

MANILA, Philippines – There are only nine days left for all candidates in the May 9 polls to file the required Statement of Contributions and Expenditures and avoid penalties.

The candidates must file their SOCE not later than June 8. The Commission on Elections has no plan to extend the deadline, according to Comelec Commissioner Christian Robert Lim.

“Our deadline is on June 8,” he said. “And it is non-extendible.”

Unlike in past elections, the Comelec will strictly implement provisions of the resolution setting June 8 as “final and non-extendible” deadline for the filing of SOCE, Lim said.

In the 2013 elections, the Comelec extended the deadline for filing the SOCE twice despite the law providing that these must be submitted not later than 30 days after election day.

Comelec said all candidates, whether they won or lose or even those who withdrew  or did not spend anything are still mandated to submit the SOCE before the commission.

In a resolution, the Comelec ordered that the SOCE must contain the list of each contribution received by the candidate or party, list of every expenditure made by the candidate or party, and a list of any unpaid obligation, its nature and amount.

An incomplete SOCE or a statement that does not contain all the required information and attachments, as well as those that do not conform to the prescribed form shall be considered as non-filing or failure to comply with the requirement, Lim said.

“If you assume your position, we will ask you to vacate if you have not filed your SOCE,” he warned winning candidates.

Under the law, failure to submit their SOCE will prevent winning candidates from assuming their posts.

Administrative fines ranging from P10,000 to P30,000 can be imposed oncandidates who violate the requirement for the first time while repeat offenders face P20,000 to P60,000 fine.

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