Roxas to Duterte: Tell the truth about your bank accounts

TALISAY CITY, Cebu – Liberal Party (LP) presidential candidate Manuel Roxas II on Wednesday dared Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte to reveal the truth about his bank accounts as the local executive continued to reap criticisms after topping pre-election polls.

Roxas said there is no reason to be ashamed of one’s wealth if it came from legitimate sources.

“Trustworthiness is at the very core of everyone's campaign. The people are entitled to straight answers to straight questions. It is our responsibility to make sure things are clarified,” Roxas said in a press conference here.  

“Mayor Duterte, shed light on these bank accounts. The power of leaders stem from the people’s trust. How can people trust you if you don’t have clear answers to questions? Are these bank accounts for real? Where did the money in these bank accounts come from? Why are they not included in your SALN (statement of assets, liabilities and net worth),” he added.

Roxas claimed that there are no questionable items in the SALNs he submitted when he was still in government.

LOOK: Trillanes bares Duterte's bank transactions

“As a private citizen, I am no longer duty bound to disclose my statement of assets and liabilities and net worth. Nevertheless, I strongly adhere to the principles of transparency and accountability,” Roxas said.

“I am ready to sign a waiver on my bank accounts so the Ombudsman can look into it. I invite all candidates to follow my lead,” he added.

Earlier, vice presidential candidate Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV claimed that Duterte did not declare P211 million in a bank account in his SALN but declined to say where he got the information. A public official who fails to list all of his assets in his SALN may be dismissed from the service.

RELATED: Duterte camp: Suing Trillanes a waste of time

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