MANILA, Philippines – The Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police (AFP-PNP) on Thursday called on the public to be extra vigilant after the recent explosions in Jakarta, Indonesia.
In its joint statement, the AFP and PNP also asked for the public’s cooperation in addressing the threat.
The security forces assured the public that they are already conducting necessary measures to prevent terror acts.
“Our security forces are well aware of the emerging threat and have been conducting operations to prevent terror acts anywhere in the country,” the AFP-PNP said in a statement.
“We appeal to the public to be extra vigilant and to help our security forces address the threat. With our collective efforts, we can make a difference in securing our people from any terror acts that is the Filipino spirit of bayanihan,” it added.
On Thursday afternoon, attackers blasted Starbucks cafe in downtown Jakarta. They also waged gun-battles with the Indonesian police which left four gunmen and three others dead as several others were injured.