Church still most trusted institution, survey says

MANILA, Philippines - For the fourth consecutive year, the Church remained the most trusted institution in the country, according to a nationwide survey released yesterday.

Based on the 2015 Philippine Trust Index, the Church received 73 percent trust rating from the general public. It was followed by academe with 51 percent and media with 32 percent.

The government, business sector and non-government organizations (NGOs) are the three least trusted institutions by Filipinos, according to the poll.

The government received a trust rating of 12 percent while business and NGOs obtained nine percent each.

Among government sub-institutions, the local government units enjoy the highest trust ratings with 19 percent (from 17 percent in 2014).

The House of Representatives is the least trusted with a rating of eight percent (from nine percent), according to the survey taken from July to August this year.

The Office of the President suffered the biggest drop in trust ratings from 28 percent in 2012 to 15 percent this year, according to Malyn Molina, managing director of Engage, which is the government relations arm of public relations firm EON.

“The largest loss of trust was felt by the Office of the President,” Molina said.

The Supreme Court obtained 17 percent (from 16 percent), followed by the Regional Trial Court with 16 percent (from 14 percent); the Office of the President and Cabinet with 15 percent each (from 16 percent and 17 percent, respectively) and the Senate with 10 percent (from seven percent).

Molina said the Senate has regained the trust of the people this year after its steep loss in 2012 and 2014.

When asked to cite a specific government agency that they trust, three out of 10 respondents said they do not trust any.

Molina said the foremost driver of the Filipinos’ trust in the government is its ability to ensure national peace and security, followed closely by “helps the poor address basic needs,” “improves the Philippine economy” and “puts corrupt politicians to jail.”

Molina said Filipinos believe that the government is unable to succeed in meeting these different criteria for trust.

Only 23 percent of the general public agrees that the government is able to ensure peace and security, while only 22 percent agrees that the government helps the poor address their basic needs.

Filipinos see disaster preparedness as one area where the government has achieved the most success. – With Evelyn Macairan

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