AFP chief dares critics to prove military involvement in Lumad killings

MANILA, Philippines - Armed Forces chief Gen. Hernando Iriberri on Thursday dared groups linking the military to the killing of Lumads to show evidence that would back their allegations.

“It’s easy to accuse so they have to prove it but what I can say is that there were no Army forces when the incident happened,” Iriberri told reporters in a chance interview on Thursday.

“It was very clear that soldiers were not involved and yet they insist that soldiers are responsible. You can see their motive in accusing the armed forces,” he added.

When asked what is the motive of those who accuse soldiers of killing Lumads, Iriberri said: “Of course to destroy the image of the armed forces.”

Activists have accused the military of killing Lumad leaders because of suspicions that they are sympathizers of communist rebels. They claim that a paramilitary group backed by the Army was responsible for the deaths of three Lumads in Lianga, Surigao del Sur last week.

The victims, identified as Alternative Learning Center for Agricultural and Livelihood Development director Emerito Samarca and indigenous people’s leaders Dionel Campos and Bello Sinzo, were killed by unidentified men last Sept. 1 in Barangay Diatagon.

Militant groups said the killers were members of the Magahat-Bagani Force but Army officials have denied the existence of such paramilitary unit.

Iriberri said the local police has filed cases against three suspects who are not members of government militias.

“We are supporting the effort of the police and we are also conducting operations against all armed groups in the area,” he added.

Last Tuesday, President Aquino gave assurance that there is no government campaign to kill Lumads.

“There is no campaign to kill Lumad people. We are serving the people,” Aquino said in a media forum.

“Serving the people does not mean killing its citizens,” he added.

Militant groups, however, are convinced that extrajudicial killings is a policy of the Aquino regime and the armed forces.

“The victims, their kin and the witnesses have spoken: the Armed Forces of the Philippines and its paramilitary forces are responsible for the grave crimes and atrocities against them, their tribes, and their communities,” human rights group Karapatan said.

“There is a distinct pattern in the 262 documented victims of extrajudicial killing and the 292 victims of frustrated killings, especially in the cases of the killing of the Lumad in Mindanao: they were defending the people’s right to land, ancestral domain, social services, among others, and they were persecuted and killed,” the group added.

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