Napeñas confirms US assistance in Exodus

former Special Action Force (SAF) commander Director Getulio Napeñas File photo

MANILA, Philippines - The US military was involved in the intelligence gathering, training of local forces and monitoring of Operation Plan Exodus to neutralize Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir, alias Marwan, in Mamasapano, Maguindanao last month.

Responding to a question posed by Sen. Ralph Recto, former Special Action Force (SAF) commander Director Getulio Napeñas testified that US assistance came in the form of gathering intelligence information against their target and the use of equipment during operations.

“First of all, the help from US counterpart (is in the form of) intelligence-sharing, which can be discussed by Sr. Supt. (Fernando) Mendez,” Napeñas said, referring to the head of the PNP Intelligence Group which purportedly prepared the intelligence packet on Marwan and his Filipino cohort Basit Usman.

Senators grilled Mendez about the intelligence packet during a closed-door session last week. Citing the sensitivity of his job, Sen. Grace Poe said Mendez’s statements were not discussed in the open hearing.

Recto also asked Napeñas about the fact that the US military and the SAF were able to watch the actual operations in “real time” at the tactical post in Shariff Aguak.

“There was an aircraft which gave you an aerial view in the command center and there were American operatives in the command center. You were able to watch real time the movements of the 84th SAF as they took Marwan,” Recto said.

Recto pointed out the SAF troopers also used maps provided by the US government.

During the hearing, Napeñas confirmed earlier reports by The STAR that there were US counterparts at the tactical command post along with Napeñas and top SAF officers who were monitoring the situation on the ground.

Napeñas also confirmed the US military sent in aircraft that were eventually used in the evacuation of the affected SAF policemen.

“We have a US counterpart at the Seaborne working with them in terms of training and equipment provision. The maps used were part of what they give us during the operations. But the US counterparts never took part in actual operations,” Napeñas stressed.

“They provided us support on the medical evacuation the next day,” he added.

The SAF’s 84th Seaborne Company led by Supt. Raymond Train was the assault team that entered the lair of Marwan and Usman on Jan. 25. – With Jess Diaz

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