Phl reaffirms commitment to fight impunity

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines reaffirmed its commitment to fight impunity and pushed for rules-based international relations among states as Manila urged countries to ratify the Rome Statute, particularly nations from the Asia-Pacific region.

Philippine Ambassador to the Netherlands and head of the Philippine delegation to the Assembly Jaime Victor Ledda said the Philippines supports efforts to advance global peace in his statement during the 13th Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) held last Dec. 11 in New York.

“Modern international relations continue to mature from one that is power-based to one that should be rules-based. This is the power and majesty of the rule of law. Without it, there would not be international criminal justice, and without international criminal justice, global peace would not be possible,” Ledda said.

“The Philippines affirms its commitment to fighting impunity. We condemn the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. Together, we should ensure that perpetrators account for their crimes,” he added.

Ledda said the Philippines also supports the initiative to achieve ICC universality and urged countries that have yet to ratify or accede to the Rome Statute, particularly from the Asia-Pacific region, to do so.

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