Solons push 'centennial year' for 4 national artists

Under the House Joint Resolutions, the Cultural Center of the Philippines and National Center for Culture and the Arts, with the Department of Education, will promote commemoration of the Centennial years for each of the National Artists in all public and private schools. Philippine Information Agency

MANILA, Philippines - The House of Representatives is considering declaring a centennial year for four national artists under separate House joint resolutions (HJR).

House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr., Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II, Pangasinan Rep. Kimi Cojuangco and Manila Rep. Rosenda Ann Ocampo authored HJR 22, 23, 24 and 25 which declare Centennial Year for National Artists N.V.M. Gonzales (literature), Severino Montano (theater), Manuel Conde (Film) and Lamberto Avellana (theater and film), respectively.

The said resolutions provide for the patronage of arts and letters, as stated in a constitutional provision.

Belmonte and his co-authors noted that the preeminent achievements of the national artists which enhanced the Filipino cultural heritage deserve recognition and acknowledgement.

"The works and achievements of the national artists - N.V.M Gonzales, Severino Montano, Manuel Conde, and Lamberto Avellana - are reflective of this preeminent excellence and of the national genius that contributed to the national heritage of the Philippines and the world," the resolutions stated.

Under the resolutions, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts and the Cultural Center of the Philippines, in coordination with the Department of Education, will facilitate and promote the commemoration of the Centennial Years of each National Artist in all public and private schools.

The resolutions are now pending at the House Committee on Revision of Laws.

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