NEA exec indicted for taking P1.5M from power firm

The National Electrification Administration building in Diliman, Quezon City. NEA

MANILA, Philippines — Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales ordered the filing of criminal charges against a National Electrification Agency (NEA) official for receiving P1.5 million from an electric cooperative in Cotabato in 2010.

Acting Department Manager for Legal Services Omar Mayo allegedly solicited and accepted money from the Cotabato Electric Cooperative, Inc. (COTELCO) in May 2010.

?In the joint resolution, the Office of the Ombudsman found that Mayo received money from COTELCO, an entity under the regulatory and supervisory authority of NEA.

The money was deposited to Mayo’s personal bank account in Unionbank.  Mayo also availed of a cash advance from COTELCO amounting to P28,200, the resolution bared.

?The Ombudsman dismissed Mayo’s allegation that the money represented the litigation costs he took in advance from another lawyer  in connection with the case involving COTELCO’s franchise. 

Ombudsman Morales said that the bare assertion “cannot prevail over the contents of the undisputed Liquidation Report, Check Voucher, Deposit Slip, Audit Report and the anonymous letter stating that Mayo had been paid by and accepted from COTELCO the amount of P1.5 million as litigation fee.”

?Aside from the criminal indictment, the Ombudsman also charged Mayo with grave misconduct, dismissing him from the government service and forfeiting his retirement benefits.

The  complaints against NEA Administrator Edita Bueno, Deputy Administrator for Legal Service John Joseph Magtulay, Deputy Administrator for Electric Distribution Utilities Service Edgardo Piamonte and Department Manager Veronica Cruz were dismissed for lack of merit.

RELATED: Purisima probe ongoing – Ombudsman

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