Governor apologizes for sex photos

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines – Camarines Norte Gov. Edgardo Tallado yesterday apologized for the controversy caused by sex photos that were leaked online.

In a speech before his supporters, Tallado asked for forgiveness over the furor caused by the scandal.

“I am apologizing to all of you, my wife, my family and my constituents for dragging the name of Camarines Norte to this issue,” a teary-eyed Tallado said following the flag-raising ceremony at the provincial capitol.

“Forgive me if I committed wrong. But I did not steal from the government’s coffers. What I am involved in is a purely family matter. It has no connection with my job as governor.”

He thanked his constituents for their continued support and promised to serve them better.

Tallado also asked his detractors to stop spreading his nude photos and sex video on social media.

He said he is willing to be criticized had he been involved in corruption.

Adan Botor, lawyer for the governor, said they are gathering evidence for the filing of appropriate charges against those who uploaded his photos and video showing him having sex with a 24-year-old woman.

“We will file charges against those who leaked the photos,” Botor told The STAR.

The sex scandal involving Tallado broke out after his wife, Josefina, was reported missing.

Josefina later surfaced, saying she hid out of fear for her life. She said her husband accused her of leaking the photos online.

Meanwhile, Camarines Norte Bishop Gilbert Garcera called for the responsible use of the Internet and asked the public not to post pornographic photos on social networking sites.

He issued a pastoral statement asking Catholics not to pollute the minds of the youth by sharing pornographic images and videos online.

Garcera, former secretary general of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, also called on parents to protect their children from pornography. – With Evelyn Macairan


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