Phl apologizes to Malta after Pinoy missed flight back to Manila

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines yesterday expressed regret to the government of Malta for the disappearance of one of the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) evacuated from Libya after he failed to board the chartered flight to Manila.

Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose told a press briefing yesterday that Maltese authorities are investigating the case of OFW Rodrigo Andres who failed to board the second chartered flight from Malta last Saturday.

“The Philippine government is extending its full cooperation in the investigation until its final resolution,” Jose said.

He did not comment when asked about the possibility that Andres chose to stay in Malta instead of returning to the Philippines.

“We won’t know until we get the result of the investigation,” Jose said.

Andres was among the 766 Filipinos evacuated from Libya and brought to Malta to take the chartered flight to Manila.

Overseas Workers Welfare Administrate (OWWA) officer Mario Antonio said Andres was among the second group of Filipinos to board Flight PR 9007 to Manila at 7:30 a.m. (Manila time).

But Maltese airport officials informed Antonio and PAL crewmembers that one passenger was missing.

Airport officials said Andres checked in at the airport with his luggage but did not show up at the immigration.

The crewmembers repeatedly announced Andres’ name over the public address system but he failed to respond.

Meanwhile, the Philippine government thanked Malta for its support and cooperation which resulted in the safe, efficient and successful transit of the Filipino evacuees from Libya.                  


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