Aquino to Aseanopol: Find ways to solve, deter transnational crimes

MANILA, Philippines - Police forces in Southeast Asia should help one another improve their database and find ways to solve or deter transnational crimes, President Aquino told a gathering of police generals from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations yesterday.

Aquino was guest of honor at the ASEAN Chiefs of Police (ASEANOPOL)’s 34th Conference held at the Sofitel Hotel in Pasay City.

“Criminals often attempt to evade justice by crossing borders, thereby stretching the capacities of our respective police forces, oftentimes challenging the existing laws of each country in the region,” he said.

“This is one of the primary reasons why we are gathered here,” he said, noting that crimes cross borders.

“Our goal: To make sure that such criminals are brought to justice in the swiftest and most efficient manner possible; and to allow all the peoples of Southeast Asia to go about their lives with peace of mind, knowing that they are protected by their respective governments,” Aquino stressed.

The President said that although the recent 24th ASEAN Summit in Myanmar had produced agreements on a broader scale, ASEANAPOL can help complement those agreements by transforming them into tangible realities.

Aquino underscored the importance of enhanced cooperation between ASEAN members and the International Police (Interpol), through shared databases such as the I-24/7 of the Interpol and the e-ADS or ASEANAPOL Database System.

“These are vital tools in identifying, apprehending, filing cases against and eventually prosecuting criminals in court,” he said.

Such enhanced cooperation helps in identifying stolen motor vehicles, apprehending wanted persons, rescuing missing persons, breaking up syndicates and neutralizing terrorist elements, according to Aquino. –  With  Jaime Laude



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