Singapore leader defends Pinoys, labels 'spammers' a disgrace

Photo shows Singapore Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lee Hsien Loong, who has been in office since 2004. He is the eldest son of Singapore's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew. US defense dept./Cherie Thurlby

MANILA, Philippines — Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong condemned the harassment of Filipinos by some of his fellow Singaporeans, whom he called "a disgrace to Singapore."

Lee said he was "appalled" by protests against Philippine Independence Day celebrations in Singapore. He cited reports that the online protesters spammed the organizers' Facebook page last week.

"We must treat people in Singapore the way we ourselves expect to be treated overseas," Lee said in a statement that was posted on Facebook last Saturday.

"Many Singaporeans live overseas, and are warmly welcomed in their adopted homes. I just attended our Singapore Day in London. How would we have felt if British netizens had spammed our website, and abused Singaporeans living in Britain?" he continued.

Lee also expressed appreciation for "sensible" Singaporeans who reject what a local columnist called xenophobic behavior.

"Fortunately this appears to be the work of few trolls," Lee added.

He also urged those against the increasing of foreign population in Singapore to show the nation's generosity and openness to visitors.

"Otherwise we will lower our standing in the eyes of the world, and have every reason to be ashamed of ourselves," he said.

On Sunday, ultranationalist blog The Real Singapore said in a statement that event organizers Pilipino Independence Day Council Singapore undermine Singapore's independence as a sovereign state.

The blog said that the group uses unacceptable terms such as "interdependence" with Singapore and "two nations, one community" in explaining their objectives.

"We demand that PIDC organizers remove all the disparaging innuendos, as stated, immediately," the statement said.

It also claimed that the Filipino group have political motives as opposed to cultural ones. It also urged the organizers to confine the celebrations within the Philippine embassy compound.

"Please respect the voices of Singaporeans, while you are standing on OUR SOIL, OUR LAND," it added.

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