GPH chair to Miriam: Bangsamoro deal constitutional

Government Peace Panel chair Miriam Coronel-Ferrer (rightmost) and Moro Islamic Liberation Cront chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal signs the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro in a ceremony at the Malacañang Presidential Palace in Manila, Philippines on Thursday, March 27, 2014. AP

MANILA, Philippines — Government peace panel chair Miriam Coronel-Ferrer assured Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago that the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro abides by constitution.

In a statement late Wednesday, Ferrer reacted to Santiago's assertions that the peace accord signed last March 27 "diminishes" and limits the sovereignty of the state as it attempts to redefine the powers of the central government.

"We assure the good Senator and the public that through every stage of the negotiations, we remained ever mindful of the President's instructions that any agreement we must conclude must be within the framework of the 1987 Constitution, and accordingly, the roadmap set by the CAB leads to Congress as the established lawmaking institution," Ferrer said.

Ferrer said said that the peace-seeking body is ready to meet with Santiago to discuss the different provisions of the deal.

She said a meeting with Santiago, an acknowledged expert in the constitution, will allow a "deeper understanding of the context and substance of the documents."

Ferrer added that based on the roadmap toward the creation of the new region that will replace the existing Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Congress will have to approve the draft bill that would be the basis for the  Bangsamoro Basic Law.

"[The bill] will be endorsed by the President as an administration bill to Congress for their due consideration and passage at the soonest possible time," she said.

She also acknowledged Santiago's opinion on the matter.

"The Honorable Senator is a brilliant professor and an expert in constitutional law. We certainly appreciate her insights and opinion on the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro," Ferrer said.

Also read: Miriam: Bangsamoro deal unconstitutional

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