Philippine supply ship evades Chinese blockade

Protesters picket the Chinese Consulate at the financial district of Makati city east of Manila, Philippines Monday, March 3, 2014, to protest the recent use of water cannons by the Chinese coast guard to drive away Filipino fishermen off the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. AP

SECOND THOMAS SHOAL — A Philippine government ship has slipped past a Chinese coast guard blockade and brought food and fresh troops to a marooned navy ship used as a base by Filipino troops to bolster the country's territorial claims in the disputed South China Sea

The incident Saturday was witnessed by journalists who were invited by the Philippines military to accompany the resupply mission.

Around one hour away from Second Thomas Shoal, a Chinese coast guard ship twice crossed the bow of the smaller Philippine vessel in an attempt to stop it from proceeding. It radioed the Filipinos, telling them to stop entering Chinese territory.

But the Filipino captain maneuvered to shallow waters where the Chinese ship couldn't sail to reach the marooned vessel.

Early this month, Chinese vessels blocked a resupply mission.

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