

The trail of a weapons deal

The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - These are excerpts from the affidavit filed with the US District Court, Northern District of California on March 24, 2014 by FBI Special Agent Emmanuel V. Pascua, who specializes in domestic terrorism and organized crime investigations. “UCE 4599” refers to the FBI undercover agent.

On March 4, 2014, KEITH JACKSON contacted UCE 4599 by telephone. JACKSON reported that YEE wanted to shift to another source to get weapons for UCE 4599 - Dr. Wilson LIM. KEITH JACKSON offered to set up a meeting for UCE 4599 with SENATOR YEE on March 5, 2014, to discuss this new potential source of supply. UCE 4599 asked about logistics and told KEITH JACKSON that UCE 4599 intends to bring any weapons back through the Port of Newark, New Jersey.

On March 5, 2014, UCE 4599 met with KEITH JACKSON and SENATOR YEE at a hotel restaurant located in San Francisco, California to discuss firearms trafficking. At the restaurant, prior to the arrival of SENATOR YEE, KEITH JACKSON advised that a person later identified as Dr. Wilson LIM, would be the point of contact in the United States for the weapons deal in the Philippines. One of LIM’s relatives would be the contact in the Philippines. KEITH JACKSON and BRANDON JACKSON met with LIM the previous Sunday. According to KEITH JACKSON, LIM was excited to meet UCE 4599. LIM’s associates in the Philippines were trying to overthrow the current govemment and needed money. KEITH JACKSON advised that the prior source of weapons was currently tied up with matters related to world affairs. Later at the restaurant, SENATOR YEE arrived. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE his family in New Jersey wanted to give their full support to SENATOR YEE’s bid for California Secretary of State. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE his family controlled a large portion of the Port of Newark, New Jersey and was currently establishing companies in support of a weapons trafficking deal. SENATOR YEE told UCE 4599 he appreciated UCE 4599’s father’s perspective and support and continued by saying “I can be of help to you for 10 months or I can be of help to you for eight years. I think eight years is a lot better than 10 months.” SENATOR YEE hoped that he would win his bid for Secretary of State but if he didn’t, SENATOR YEE wanted to move into the private sector and exploit all the relationships he had in Asia for various kinds of activities.

SENATOR YEE was rapidly depleting his campaign funds and asked UCE 4599 to contribute money to his Secretary of State campaign. UCE 4599 reiterated his support and asked for their plan, SENATOR YEE and LIM, on the weapons trafficking deal. SENATOR YEE explained LIM was originally from the Mindanao region of the Philippines. According to SENATOR YEE, Mindanao was largely populated by Muslim rebel groups who were fighting the federal government. SENATOR YEE continued by saying the Muslim rebels had no problem “kidnapping individuals, killing individuals and extorting them for ransom.” SENATOR YEE recalled a trip approximately two years ago where

SENATOR YEE visited Mindanao at the invitation of the Mindanao government. SENATOR YEE said when he arrived, he was surrounded by numerous armed guards carrying automatic rifles.

SENATOR YEE stated that LIM’s SOS for the weapons was a Philippine citizen who previously sold guns to individuals (not further identified) from Florida; LIM’s SOS delivered a shipment of weapons to the port of Cagayan de Oro. The weapons were picked up by the unidentified individuals from Florida and shipped to an unknown location. SENATOR YEE stated he thought that was “The ideal way of handling it.” UCE 4599 explained he had holding companies established the Port of Newark, New Jersey. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE he would pick up the weapons in the Philippines and ship them back to the Port of Newark. From there, a portion of the weapons would be shipped to Sicily and then on to North Africa. UCE 4599 asked SENATOR YEE if the SOS could ship the weapons directly to the United States. SENATOR YEE explained it would be easier if U CE 4599 picked up the weapons in the Philippines.

According to SENATOR YEE, the SOS for weapons was surprised to hear UCE 4599 wanted to spend $2,000,000 for the initial purchase of weapons. SENATOR YEE thought $2,000,000 was a lot of money and said “We can’t catch attention to any of this stuff.” UCE 4599 reiterated they would pick up the weapons and bring it back to New Jersey. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE he understood the importance of practicing discretion and not garnering any unwanted attention. SENATOR YEE told veE 4599 he “Wanted to protect the entire enterprise” to include the SOS and UCE 4599. SENATOR YEE talked about the lifecycle of the weapons deal from the initial pick-up in Cagayan de Oro to the transfer the weapons back to “V.S. territories.” UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE he was least worried about getting the weapons back to the United States.

SENATOR YEE advised the Philippines was a very corrupt country and VeE 4599 needed to be prepared to pay people at every level during the lifecycle of the deal. VeE 4599 told SENATOR YEE his family controlled a big portion of the Port of Newark and was accustomed to paying people off. SENATOR YEE told UCE 4599 he visited New Jersey and felt like he was back in the 1950s.

veE 4599 asked SENATOR YEE what type of weapons the SOS in the Philippines had access to.

Specifically, UCE 4599 asked about shoulder fired automatic weapons. SENATOR YEE responded by saying the automatic weapons are the equivalent to the “MI6” Automatic Service Weapon. SENATOR YEE told VeE 4599 when you move a lot of “stuff’ people notice you. SENATOR YEE said he told LIM if he were UCE 4599, he would not send a boat to the Philippines for 50 rifles. UCE 4599 asked about the availability of shoulder fire missiles or rockets. SENATOR YEE responded “I told him about rocket launchers and things like that.” SENATOR YEE asked UCE 4599 to provide an inventory list of desired weapons and he would see what they can do. According to SENATOR YEE, LIM wanted to know how UCE 4599 planned on remitting payment. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE he would deliver $2,000,000 cash. UCE 4599 asked about larger scale weapons systems like artillery. SENATOR YEE explained Mindanao is a “war zone.” SENATOR YEE stated he had a conversation with his other proposed source of supply about the illegality of U.S. citizens purchasing weapons overseas. SENATOR YEE told UCE 4599 to be careful because this was “major stuff.” SENATOR YEE asked if this was the first time UCE 4599 had ever engaged in a weapons deal.

UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE his family used to source Russian made weapons through Canada. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE he understood the importance and impact of having SENATOR YEE as California Secretary of State to his family’s business. SENATOR YEE stated he thought there were multiple opportunities to help. SENATOR YEE continued by saying he thought Africa was a largely untapped market for trade. SENATOR YEE surmised by utilizing his position, UCE 4599 would be able to ship weapons directly to Africa.

UCE 4599 asked SENATOR YEE what the next steps were. SENATOR YEE replied by saying LIM would figure out if his SOS in the Philippines could provide the kinds of weapons UCE 4599 was looking to obtain. UCE 4599 reiterated his support for SENATOR VEE’s campaign. UCE 4599 stressed the importance of completing the first weapons transaction. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE he was successful when his friends were successfuL UCE 4599 reassured SENATOR YEE he would pay SENATOR YEE for his assistance in addition to the previously promised campaign donations. SENATOR YEE appreciated UCE 4599’s gesture and to focus on the election first. UCE 4599 reiterated he would be picking the weapons up in the Philippines and shipping them back to the United States before ultimately sending them to North Africa. SENATOR YEE told UCE 4599 there are approximately 100 rifles currently available.

SENATOR YEE advised the Muslims in Mindanao had access to a lot of money and were being financed by Muammar Gaddafi before his death.

UCE 4599 asked to have a direct conversation with LIM. SENATOR YEE was hesitant and advised there wasn’t anything that SENATOR YEE had told UCE 4599 that wasn’t the truth. SENATOR YEE said LIM was a’ “gun lover” and had no moral arguments of selling weapons.

SENATOR YEE reiterated he had been to Mindanao and had an opportunity to shoot some of the weapons discussed with UCE 4599. SENATOR YEE departed from the area. KEITH JACKSON and UCE 4599 had dinner at the restaurant within the hotel.

On March 11,2014, UCE 4599 met with KEITH JACKSON, SENATOR YEE and LIM at a restaurant in San Francisco, California, to discuss an arms trafficking transaction. At the restaurant, SENATOR YEE introduced LIM to UCE 4599 and described him as highly trusted individual. UCE 4599 stressed the importance remaining safe during all aspects ofthe weapons trafficking deal. LIM told UCE 4599 the weapons could be shipped to Manila or to the Port of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines.

LIM believed Manila would be the safest option. LIM said UCE 4599’s contact in the Philippines would be LIM’s nephew (not further identified). LIM continued by saying a Captain in the Philippine military (not further identified) would provide the weapons to LIM’s nephew. LIM indicated he would prefer UCE 4599 put together a list of desired weapons. SENATOR YEE told UCE 4599 the weapons deal would not happen until after the California Secretary of State election. LIM and SENATOR YEE encouraged UCE 4599 to deal in smaller amounts of weapons to avoid unwanted attention in the Philippines. UCE 45.99 asked about the major Muslim organizations in the Mindanao region of the Philippines. SENATOR YEE responded by saying “M.I.L.F.” UCE 4599 understood M.I.L.F. to be an acronym for the MORO ISLAMIC LIBERATION FRONT. SENATOR YEE went on to explain there were several factions within the M.I.L.F. Regarding the M.LL.F., LIM told UCE 4599 they are his friends but he does not personally associate with them.

UCE 4599 asked LIM about what specific weapons he had access to. LIM told UCE the Israeli made Tavor assault rifle was very common in the Philippines. LIM described the Tavor as being the equivalent of the “MI6” assault rifle. UCE 4599 asked LIM ifhe had access to anything else “bigger.”

LIM responded by saying “All kinds of things, we just have to look for it.” LIM was afraid to relay UCE 4599’s request for weapons over the phone. UCE 4599 asked LIM ifhe would accompany DCE 4599 to the Philippines. LIM asked UCE 4599 ifhe was wanted by law enforcement. LIM and

SENATOR YEE warned UCE 4599 to be careful in the Philippines. SENATOR YEE believed there was a high probability of being kidnapped in the Philippines.

UCE 4599 told LIM he would provide a list of desired weapons to KEITH JACKSON. LIM in turn, would hand deliver the letter to his nephew in the Philippines. SENATOR YEE said LIM would not go to the Philippines without SENATOR YEE and SENATOR YEE wasn’t ready to go to the Philippines until November. SENATOR YEE explained “Once things start to move, it’s going to attract attention. We just got to be extra-extra careful.” While SENATOR YEE agreed with LIM’s assessment of Manila being a safer location to pick up the weapons, SENATOR YEE said “We have more control in Cagayan de Oro than Manila. LIM asked if UCE 4599 could bring the money to the Philippines.

UCE 4599 assured LIM it would not be a problem to transport the money to the Philippines. LIM advised UCE 4599 would meet with a head of a Muslim group.

UCE 4599 asked about a recent peace treaty signed between the Philippine government and the Muslim rebel groups. According to SENATOR YEE, the Philippine government was secretly funding some of the Muslim rebel groups in an effort to create a distraction so people would not focus on all the corruption within the Philippine government itself. SENATOR YEE explained there are several factions within the M.LL.F. who did not agree with the peace treaty. LIM reiterated the weapons would be provided by the Philippine military. UCE 4599 asked for weapons that were light, mobile and devastating.

UCE 4599 would provide LIM with a list of desired weapons. If LIM could not hand deliver the list to the Philippines himself he would have an associate from the San Francisco Bay Area deliver the letter. SENATOR YEE advised he and LIM needed time to set up the infrastructure necessary to complete the weapons deal. SENATOR YEE didn’t want LIM to get too involved because he was a United States citizen. UCE 4599 reiterated a previous statement made by SENATOR YEE on March 5, 2014, when SENATOR YEE said “I want to protect the entire enterprise.” SENATOR YEE stated he wanted to build in several layers of protection to shield LIM and anyone else who may be involved with the weapons deal. SENATOR YEE was also worried about anybody detecting any “revenue streams” that may lead back to SENATOR YEE. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE he had a way to insulate any type of transaction associated with the weapons deal. LIM asked if UCE 4599 would have the capabilities to bring a ship over to the Philippines. UCE 4599 told LIM his family was in control of a large portion of the Port of Newark in New Jersey. LIM asked if UCE 4599 was in the Mafia. UCE 4599 confirmed he was associated with the Mafia in New Jersey.

On March 14,2014, UCE 4599 met with SENATOR YEE, KEITH JACKSON and KEITH JACKSON’s associate at a restaurant in San Francisco, California. During the meeting, SENATOR YEE and KEITH JACKSON openly discussed how they would break up a large sum of cash provided by UCE 4599 into legitimate campaign donations. UCE 4599 told SENATOR YEE he was prepared to give him $6,800 in cash and a list of weapons for him to give to LIM. YEE told UCE 4599 he would take the cash and have one of his children write out a check. Later in the evening, UCE 4599 walked with SENATOR YEE, and SENATOR YEE told UCE 4599 he would make a “Xerox” copy of the list and provide it to LIM. SENATOR YEE stated, LIM would in turn mail the list to his Philippine source of supply for weapons. I believe that this demonstrates probable cause for a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 371, 922(a)(I) and 922(1) by SENATOR YEE, KEITH JACKSON, and LIM.











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