Solon wants P100K retirement pay for barangay execs

MANILA, Philippines - A legislator has filed a bill in Congress, seeking to grant retirement pay of P100,000 to barangay officials.

Negros Occidental Rep. Mercedes Alvarez said the provision of the additional benefit would serve as recognition of their vital contribution to public service.

At present, the members of the barangays only receive honoraria or allowances despite the fact that they are the first representatives of the government approached by their constituents for basic services and needs, she said.

"The officials and employees of the barangays are the frontliners in public service and are also the first responders to any situation in their respective barangays," Alvarez said.

Under House Bill 3763, all barangay officials shall be entitled to a lump sum retirement pay equivalent to a one-year honorarium but in no case shall exceed P100,000, to be taken from the barangay retirement fund.

To avail of such benefit, the measure requires that the retiree is at least 60 years of age with a minimum of nine years of service at the time of the retirement.

Under the bill, the term retiree includes all barangay officials, including barangay tanods, members of the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa, barangay health workers and barangay day care workers.

The proposed measure also calls for the creation of the Barangay Retirement Fund, which shall be used to fund the retirement of barangay officials.

The amount equivalent to one percent of the share of the national government under Section 284 of the Local Government Code of 1991.

Alvarez said that it should be the responsibility of the Department of the Interior and Local Government to administer and ensure the appropriate disbursement of the fund.

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