Over 4 M voter’s IDs unclaimed

MANILA, Philippines - More than four million voters nationwide have no voters’ identification (ID) cards, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) reported yesterday.

Comelec spokesman James Jimenez said at least 4.5 million voters’ IDs have not been claimed in various poll offices nationwide, and the number is expected to increase after other election officers have submitted their reports to the poll body.

“Based on the 80 percent of elections officers that already submitted reports, more than four million voters have yet to claim their IDs,” he added.

Jimenez noted that millions of voters were unaware so they were unable to claim their IDs from the Comelec.

To address the problem, the Comelec decided to open for voters a social media help line for ID queries using its Twitter account: @COMELEC.

“For assistance in finding and claiming voter IDs, please tweet @COMELEC with #VoterIDKo,” Jimenez said in his own Twitter account: @jabjimenez.

He also advised voters to check the printing status of their IDs via the Comelec website www.comelec.gov.ph, particularly in its Precinct Finder and ID Printing Status Checker features.


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