PNP to launch amnesty for loose guns

MANILA, Philippines - An amnesty for loose firearms will be launched within the month as provided under   Republic Act 10591 or the Comprehensive Law on Firearms and Ammunition Control.

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Alan Purisima said the   amnesty will be for six months. The implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of RA 10195 was signed last Nov. 24.

“We want individuals with loose firearms to have their guns registered or they will face stiffer sanction when caught in possession of loose firearms,” Purisima said. 

Chief Superintendent Louie Oppus, Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO) director, said as of November 2013, records showed 1,700,398   licensed firearms, about 292,698 guns with expired licenses are being processed, and 602,317 licenses have expired.

The FEO has intensified   efforts to locate loose firearms and police will conduct house visitation to remind gun owners to renew the registration of their firearms.

Under RA 10195, holders of   unregistered firearms and expired licenses shall register and renew them through the final general amnesty within six months from the promulgation of the IRR.

Purisima signed the IRR last Nov. 24 and during the interim period of six months, no person applying for a license shall be charged for delinquent payment accruing to the firearm subject for registration.                


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