European Commission increases Yolanda aid to €40 million

The European Commission is making available an additional €20 million in emergency aid for the worst-hit communities in the Philippines still suffering from the massive destruction caused by Typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda).

"The very first days were extremely hard for the victims: no food, no water, no electricity, no telecommunications. The overall situation is gradually improving, but the challenges ahead remain huge. We remain fully committed to bringing relief to those most affected," said Kristalina Georgieva, Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response.

The Commissioner visited some of the most severely affected areas shortly after the cyclone to assess the impact, discuss with national authorities and receive in-depth reports from experts on the ground.

Today's decision brings the Commission's assistance to the affected communities to €40 million. €10 million in humanitarian aid was released in the immediate aftermath of the disaster and €10 million for early recovery and reconstruction has been allocated from EU development funds. The EU Civil Protection Mechanism was activated and the Commission directly supports with more than €3.5 million the transport of European assistance to the disaster zone.

The additional aid will contribute to the work of the government and other humanitarian and development organizations to help survivors meet their basic needs and start rebuilding their lives. Most of the affected communities' income depends on agriculture and fisheries, which were damaged by the disaster. The objective now is to reinforce food assistance and livelihood support. Shelter, the rehabilitation of schools, water and sanitation will also be priorities.

The European Commission's relief efforts are carried out through partner organizations such as the World Food Programme, the International Federation of the Red Cross, UNICEF, Action Contre la Faim, Save the Children, CARE, Merlin, Plan International, Oxfam, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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