Japan’s support in peace process lauded

TOKYO – President Aquino expressed appreciation for Japan’s “tireless efforts” in supporting the peace process in Mindanao when he met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the 40th Association of Southeast Asian Nations-Japan Commemorative Summit.

Aquino and Abe had a working lunch yesterday at the Prime Minister’s Official Residence or Kantei.

“They were responsible for fostering the milieu through which we made our initial breakthrough, even at very short notice when they hosted our talks with the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) here in August 2011,” Aquino said.

In August 2011, Aquino met with MILF chairman Al Haj Murad in Japan to bolster the peace efforts between the government and the MILF. Now, Aquino said the Philippine government and MILF are nearing a peace agreement that will benefit Mindanao.

“We are in the penultimate stage of the framework agreement we are working on with the MILF,” the President added.

Aquino also said Japan continued to help the peace process through its participation in the International Contact Group (ICG), International Monitoring Team (IMT) and the Independent Commission on Policing (ICP).

“They also supported our people at the grassroots level through reconstruction and development efforts in conflict-affected areas through the Japanese Bangsamoro Initiatives for Reconstruction and Development,” he said.

Japan has been a member of the ICG for the Philippines-MILF peace process since 2009. Other members are the United Kingdom, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and international non-government organizations Muhammadiyah, the Asia Foundation, the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, and the Conciliation Resources.

Japan has been part of the IMT for the Philippines-MILF peace process since 2007. Other members are Malaysia, Libya, Brunei, Norway, the European Union and the ICP.

Japan has designated Yuji Uesugi for the ICP, which first convened in September 2013 and will be working for six months until March 2014.

The Japan-Bangsamoro Initiatives for Reconstruction and Development was launched in 2006.  



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