AFP chief on pork scam: Spare us from partisan politics

MANILA, Philippines - The military will not dip its fingers on the pork barrel scam even as one of its officers had bewailed corruption in his Facebook account.

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Emmanuel Bautista stressed that they could not meddle with partisan politics.

“We’re supposed to stay away from partisan politics and that includes the issue on the pork barrel and we’d rather not [talk about] that issue,” Bautista said during a forum of the Manila Overseas Press Club.

“We would like to be always professional armed forces, we appeal to you to spare us from partisan politics,” he added.

Bautista was asked whether the soldiers are affected by reports about the misuse of billions of priority development assistance fund (PDAF) of lawmakers.

Earlier, a Marine officer scored the alleged embezzling of pork funds, noting that some officials are committing corruption while soldiers are dying in the battlefield.

In his Facebook page, Brig. Gen. Alexander Balutan, chief of the 1st Marine Brigade in Central Mindanao, described the pork scandal as “nakapanlulumo” (disheartening).

“That [money] should have been used to solve the lingering social issues leading to armed conflict,” Balutan said.

“We are fighting a war in the [countryside] that these corrupt government officials have created against desperate, oppressed people who see no possibility of improving their lot,” he added.

Balutan’s comments drew support from several Facebook users, who are also disgusted over corruption. News stories about Balutan’s post were also shared by thousands of Facebook and Twitter users.

No punishment for Balutan

Armed Forces public affairs chief Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala said Balutan would not be punished for airing his sentiments online.

“He will not [be punished] because it was never his intent to say those things in public. A lot of Filipinos have sentiments. His sentiments were meant only for his friends and his family,” Zagala said.

Armed Forces spokesman Brig. Gen. Domingo Tutaan Jr. said Balutan posted the comments in his personal capacity. He noted that the military has a grievance system that aims to address the soldiers’ concerns.

Soldiers, nevertheless, were reminded to be more careful in expressing their views.

“The Chief of Staff (Bautista) is reminding all members of the Armed forces of the Philippines that although we have personal sentiments, we must be careful that these will not be published by media so that it will not be misconstrued by the public as a breach of military discipline,” Zagala said.

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