Legislator seeks to ban milk product ads for babies

MANILA, Philippines - In a bid to promote breastfeeding in the country, a legislator has proposed a measure, prohibiting advertisement for infant formula and other milk products for infants 0 to24 months.

2nd District Cavite Rep. Lani Mercado-Revilla said House Bill 105 or the "Breastfeeding Promotion and Breastmilk Substitute Regulation Act" will educate pregnant and lactating mothers on the advantage of breastfeeding.

"By protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding in the Philippines, there will be more healthy, strong and intelligent Filipinos," she said.

The lawmaker said by fostering an appropriate environment of awareness and support for breastfeeding, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the country would improve the health of both the women and children.

"Considering that breast milk is the best form of nutrition for infants, it is essential that more women exclusively breastfeed their infants so that children will grow up physically, emotionally and mentally healthy," Mercado-Revilla said.

She noted that breast milk is not only safe but also contains nutrients the infants need and antibodies that protect them from common illnesses.

"Women who exclusively breastfeed their infants also benefit from the practice because it prevents menstruation, which is a natural form of birth control, reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and helps them to return to their pre-pregnancy weight faster, and lowers cases of obesity," she added.

HB 105 also mandates the adoption of rooming-in in health institutions, establishment of human milk banks and setting up of lactation facilities in work places.

Once passed, the measure imposes on violators a penalty of not less than six years imprisonment or P2 million fine or both. 

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