Other labor officers in ME face probe

MANILA, Philippines - Other labor officers in the Middle East face investigation over other alleged abuses committed against distressed overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz has ordered the labor department’s investigating panel to expand its probe to include other issues involving Philippine Overseas Labor Offices (POLOs) officers.

“We receive instructions from the secretary not to limit our investigation on the issue of ‘sex-for-fly’ activities, but also operational policy matters and other alleged irregularities,” probe panel chair Leah Fortuna said.

Aside from allegations of sexual harassment and prostitution in POLO and government-run welfare centers, there were reports that labor officers are allowing distressed OFWs to accept part-time jobs.

OFWs staying in government-run halfway homes are being employed as waiters on a part-time basis in some hotels with the consent of labor officers, according to reports.

Labor officials, however, said OFWs staying in halfway homes are prohibited from accepting part-time jobs because these are not covered by contracts and the OFWs are exposed to more risks.

“At the end of this investigation, whether labor officials accused of sexual harassment will be charged or not, the secretary wants that this issue would lead to reforms in the POLOs,” Fortuna said.

Fortuna said the investigating panel would leave for Kuwait on Saturday before proceeding to Riyadh. She said the probe team would focus its investigation in Riyadh because of the charges against assistant labor attaché Antonio Villafuerte.

Villafuerte was supposed to return home last night, but his flight was rescheduled for tonight.

Act fast

Meanwhile, Migrante International called on the government to urgently act on the complaints against Villafuerte.

Migrante chairman Garry Martinez said they received reports that Villafuerte, upon learning of new reports linking him to the sex-for-flight scheme, is harassing distressed OFWs staying at the Bahay Kalinga in Riyadh.

Martinez claimed Villafuerte went to the Bahay Kalinga and forced the women OFWs there to sign an affidavit refuting the allegations against him.

“They were forced to sign under duress. The OFWs are desperate to return home before the July 3 deadline. They know fully well that no one can leave the Bahay Kalinga without a request from Villafuerte,” Martinez said.

Martinez said Villafuerte should be sent home immediately to prevent him from further harassing the OFWs.

Martinez said they are also gathering information and documents from OFWs who complained of abuses by other labor officials.

Vice President Jejomar Binay said the government will not stop until labor and embassy officials accused of sexually molesting distressed OFWs are brought to jail.  – With Jose Rodel Clapano



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