Group: No clear Phl national policies on LGBT issues


MANILA, Philippines - On the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Philippine Legislators' Committee on Population and Development said issues of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT) in the Philippines have failed to gain a significant and clear provision in national policies to date.

PLCPD said it was among those who initiated the filing of bills in the 15th Congress which discussed issues on sexual orientation and gender identity, pushed for the comprehensive policy on human immunodefiency virus (HIV) prevention, treatment, care and support (PCTS). The group said it also pushed for the passage of the anti-discrimination bill in Congress.

"Although the anti-discrimination bill was discussed at a special bicameral conference to consolidate conflicting provisions and the PCTS bill passed the House of Representatives and was deliberated at the Senate committee level, both bills did not reach finality in the 15th Congress," PLCPD said.

The group said data from the AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) Registry show that members of the LGBT community, particularly men who have sex with men, are among the populations which are most-at-risk to HIV exposure.

"Stigma and discrimination will compel the LGBT to conceal their relationship and, as a consequence, will drive them farther away from medical authorities who can properly address their concerns," PLCPD Executive Director Rom Dongeto said.

"PLCPD will continue to pursue its advocacy for a stigma and discrimination-free policy environment by instituting provisions that will institutionalize gender equity and equality through a more heightened policy advocacy in the 16th Congress," Dongeto added.

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